Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Datasets for Probabilistic Simulation
Datasets for SimulationR Documentation

Datasets for Probabilistic Simulation


For performing elementary probability calculations in introductory statistic courses, there might datasets of playing cards casually be wanted. The dataset roulette contains the standard sample space for one spin on a roulette wheel. cards contains the standard set of 52 playing cards in four colours. tarot does the same with a classic tarot deck.




cards is a data.frame with two columns named rank and suit

tarot is a data.frame with three columns named rank, suit and desc

roulette is a data.frame with two columns named num and col



# drawing 5 cards
sample(, cards), 5)

# spin the wheel
sample(, roulette), 1)

# simulate the evening in Las Vegas
sample(, roulette), 32, replace=TRUE)


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> library(DescTools)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DescTools/DatasetsforSimulation.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Datasets for Simulation
> ### Title: Datasets for Probabilistic Simulation
> ### Aliases: cards tarot roulette
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> head(cards)
  rank suit
1    2 club
2    3 club
3    4 club
4    5 club
5    6 club
6    7 club
> head(tarot)
  rank  suit desc
1    1 wands <NA>
2    2 wands <NA>
3    3 wands <NA>
4    4 wands <NA>
5    5 wands <NA>
6    6 wands <NA>
> head(roulette)
  num   col
1   0 white
2  26 black
3   3   red
4  35 black
5  12   red
6  28 black
> # drawing 5 cards
> sample(, cards), 5)
[1] "7 heart"   "8 spade"   "4 diamond" "4 club"    "8 club"   
> # spin the wheel
> sample(, roulette), 1)
[1] "13 black"
> # simulate the evening in Las Vegas
> sample(, roulette), 32, replace=TRUE)
 [1] "12 red"   "5 red"    "13 black" "18 red"   "31 black" "9 red"   
 [7] "16 red"   "4 black"  "14 red"   "20 black" "30 red"   "27 red"  
[13] "13 black" "9 red"    "4 black"  "34 red"   "18 red"   "12 red"  
[19] "13 black" "26 black" "32 red"   "13 black" "2 black"  "31 black"
[25] "15 black" "35 black" "34 red"   "1 red"    "8 black"  "24 black"
[31] "21 red"   "18 red"  
null device 