Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Data and Examples from Baltagi (2002)
Baltagi2002R Documentation

Data and Examples from Baltagi (2002)


This manual page collects a list of examples from the book. Some solutions might not be exact and the list is certainly not complete. If you have suggestions for improvement (preferably in the form of code), please contact the package maintainer.


Baltagi, B.H. (2002). Econometrics, 3rd ed., Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

See Also

BenderlyZwick, CigarettesB, EuroEnergy, Grunfeld, Mortgage, NaturalGas, OECDGas, OrangeCounty, PSID1982, TradeCredit, USConsump1993, USCrudes, USGasB, USMacroB


## Cigarette consumption data ##

## data
data("CigarettesB", package = "AER")

## Table 3.3
cig_lm <- lm(packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)

## Figure 3.9
plot(residuals(cig_lm) ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)

## Figure 3.10
cig_pred <- with(CigarettesB,
  data.frame(price = seq(from = min(price), to = max(price), length = 30)))
cig_pred <- cbind(cig_pred, predict(cig_lm, newdata = cig_pred, interval = "confidence"))
plot(packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
lines(fit ~ price, data = cig_pred)
lines(lwr ~ price, data = cig_pred, lty = 2)
lines(upr ~ price, data = cig_pred, lty = 2)

## Chapter 5: diagnostic tests (p. 111-115)
cig_lm2 <- lm(packs ~ price + income, data = CigarettesB)
## Glejser tests (p. 112)
ares <- abs(residuals(cig_lm2))
summary(lm(ares ~ income, data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/income), data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/sqrt(income)), data = CigarettesB))
summary(lm(ares ~ sqrt(income), data = CigarettesB))
## Goldfeld-Quandt test (p. 112)
gqtest(cig_lm2, = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, fraction = 12, alternative = "less")
## NOTE: Baltagi computes the test statistic as mss1/mss2,
## i.e., tries to find decreasing variances. gqtest() always uses
## mss2/mss1 and has an "alternative" argument.

## Spearman rank correlation test (p. 113)
cor.test(~ ares + income, data = CigarettesB, method = "spearman")
## Breusch-Pagan test (p. 113)
bptest(cig_lm2, varformula = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, student = FALSE)
## White test (Table 5.1, p. 113)
bptest(cig_lm2, ~ income * price + I(income^2) + I(price^2), data = CigarettesB)
## White HC standard errors (Table 5.2, p. 114)
coeftest(cig_lm2, vcov = vcovHC(cig_lm2, type = "HC1"))
## Jarque-Bera test (Figure 5.2, p. 115)
hist(residuals(cig_lm2), breaks = 16, ylim = c(0, 10), col = "lightgray")

## Tables 8.1 and 8.2

## US consumption data (1950-1993) ##

## data
data("USConsump1993", package = "AER")
plot(USConsump1993, plot.type = "single", col = 1:2)

## Chapter 5 (p. 122-125)
fm <- lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993)
## Durbin-Watson test (p. 122)
## Breusch-Godfrey test (Table 5.4, p. 124)
## Newey-West standard errors (Table 5.5, p. 125)
coeftest(fm, vcov = NeweyWest(fm, lag = 3, prewhite = FALSE, adjust = TRUE)) 

## Chapter 8
## Recursive residuals
rr <- recresid(fm)
## Recursive CUSUM test
rcus <- efp(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993)
## Harvey-Collier test
## NOTE" Mistake in Baltagi (2002) who computes
## the t-statistic incorrectly as 0.0733 via
## whereas it should be (as in harvtest)
mean(rr)/sd(rr) * sqrt(length(rr))

## Rainbow test
raintest(fm, center = 23)

## J test for non-nested models
fm1 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(income), data = USConsump1993)
fm2 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(expenditure), data = USConsump1993)
jtest(fm1, fm2)

## Chapter 11
## Table 11.1 Instrumental-variables regression
usc <-
usc$investment <- usc$income - usc$expenditure
fm_ols <- lm(expenditure ~ income, data = usc)
fm_iv <- ivreg(expenditure ~ income | investment, data = usc)
## Hausman test
cf_diff <- coef(fm_iv) - coef(fm_ols)
vc_diff <- vcov(fm_iv) - vcov(fm_ols)
x2_diff <- as.vector(t(cf_diff) %*% solve(vc_diff) %*% cf_diff)
pchisq(x2_diff, df = 2, lower.tail = FALSE)

## Chapter 14
## ACF and PACF for expenditures and first differences
exps <- USConsump1993[, "expenditure"]

## dynamic regressions, eq. (14.8)
fm <- dynlm(d(exps) ~ I(time(exps) - 1949) + L(exps))

## Grunfeld's investment data ##

## select the first three companies (as panel data)
data("Grunfeld", package = "AER")
pgr <- subset(Grunfeld, firm %in% levels(Grunfeld$firm)[1:3])
pgr <-, c("firm", "year"))

## Ex. 10.9
gr_ols <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "OLS", data = pgr)
gr_sur <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "SUR", data = pgr)

## Panel study on income dynamics 1982 ##

## data
data("PSID1982", package = "AER")

## Table 4.1
earn_lm <- lm(log(wage) ~ . + I(experience^2), data = PSID1982)

## Table 13.1
union_lpm <- lm(I(as.numeric(union) - 1) ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982)
union_probit <- glm(union ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
union_logit <- glm(union ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982, family = binomial)
## probit OK, logit and LPM rather different.


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> library(AER)
Loading required package: car
Loading required package: lmtest
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: 'zoo'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

Loading required package: sandwich
Loading required package: survival
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/AER/Baltagi2002.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Baltagi2002
> ### Title: Data and Examples from Baltagi (2002)
> ### Aliases: Baltagi2002
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> ################################
> ## Cigarette consumption data ##
> ################################
> ## data
> data("CigarettesB", package = "AER")
> ## Table 3.3
> cig_lm <- lm(packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
> summary(cig_lm)

lm(formula = packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.45472 -0.09968  0.00612  0.11553  0.29346 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   5.0941     0.0627  81.247  < 2e-16 ***
price        -1.1983     0.2818  -4.253 0.000108 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.163 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2913,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.2752 
F-statistic: 18.08 on 1 and 44 DF,  p-value: 0.0001085

> ## Figure 3.9
> plot(residuals(cig_lm) ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
> abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
> ## Figure 3.10
> cig_pred <- with(CigarettesB,
+   data.frame(price = seq(from = min(price), to = max(price), length = 30)))
> cig_pred <- cbind(cig_pred, predict(cig_lm, newdata = cig_pred, interval = "confidence"))
> plot(packs ~ price, data = CigarettesB)
> lines(fit ~ price, data = cig_pred)
> lines(lwr ~ price, data = cig_pred, lty = 2)
> lines(upr ~ price, data = cig_pred, lty = 2)
> ## Chapter 5: diagnostic tests (p. 111-115)
> cig_lm2 <- lm(packs ~ price + income, data = CigarettesB)
> summary(cig_lm2)

lm(formula = packs ~ price + income, data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.41867 -0.10683  0.00757  0.11738  0.32868 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   4.2997     0.9089   4.730 2.43e-05 ***
price        -1.3383     0.3246  -4.123 0.000168 ***
income        0.1724     0.1968   0.876 0.385818    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1634 on 43 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3037,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.2713 
F-statistic: 9.378 on 2 and 43 DF,  p-value: 0.0004168

> ## Glejser tests (p. 112)
> ares <- abs(residuals(cig_lm2))
> summary(lm(ares ~ income, data = CigarettesB))

lm(formula = ares ~ income, data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.13738 -0.07061 -0.01891  0.07253  0.24508 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  1.16169    0.46267   2.511   0.0158 *
income      -0.21689    0.09684  -2.240   0.0302 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09242 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1023,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.08193 
F-statistic: 5.016 on 1 and 44 DF,  p-value: 0.03022

> summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/income), data = CigarettesB))

lm(formula = ares ~ I(1/income), data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.14143 -0.07235 -0.01921  0.07227  0.24186 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)  -0.9489     0.4671  -2.032   0.0483 *
I(1/income)   5.1287     2.2277   2.302   0.0261 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09215 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1075,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.08722 
F-statistic:   5.3 on 1 and 44 DF,  p-value: 0.02611

> summary(lm(ares ~ I(1/sqrt(income)), data = CigarettesB))

lm(formula = ares ~ I(1/sqrt(income)), data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.14041 -0.07192 -0.01914  0.07233  0.24267 

                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)        -2.0045     0.9317  -2.151   0.0370 *
I(1/sqrt(income))   4.6541     2.0352   2.287   0.0271 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09222 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1062,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.08591 
F-statistic: 5.229 on 1 and 44 DF,  p-value: 0.02708

> summary(lm(ares ~ sqrt(income), data = CigarettesB))

lm(formula = ares ~ sqrt(income), data = CigarettesB)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.13838 -0.07105 -0.01899  0.07247  0.24428 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)    2.2172     0.9273   2.391   0.0211 *
sqrt(income)  -0.9571     0.4243  -2.255   0.0291 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.09235 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1036,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.08326 
F-statistic: 5.087 on 1 and 44 DF,  p-value: 0.02913

> ## Goldfeld-Quandt test (p. 112)
> gqtest(cig_lm2, = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, fraction = 12, alternative = "less")

	Goldfeld-Quandt test

data:  cig_lm2
GQ = 0.31846, df1 = 14, df2 = 14, p-value = 0.02017

> ## NOTE: Baltagi computes the test statistic as mss1/mss2,
> ## i.e., tries to find decreasing variances. gqtest() always uses
> ## mss2/mss1 and has an "alternative" argument.
> ## Spearman rank correlation test (p. 113)
> cor.test(~ ares + income, data = CigarettesB, method = "spearman")

	Spearman's rank correlation rho

data:  ares and income
S = 20784, p-value = 0.05813
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:

> ## Breusch-Pagan test (p. 113)
> bptest(cig_lm2, varformula = ~ income, data = CigarettesB, student = FALSE)

	Breusch-Pagan test

data:  cig_lm2
BP = 5.4852, df = 1, p-value = 0.01918

> ## White test (Table 5.1, p. 113)
> bptest(cig_lm2, ~ income * price + I(income^2) + I(price^2), data = CigarettesB)

	studentized Breusch-Pagan test

data:  cig_lm2
BP = 15.656, df = 5, p-value = 0.007897

> ## White HC standard errors (Table 5.2, p. 114)
> coeftest(cig_lm2, vcov = vcovHC(cig_lm2, type = "HC1"))

t test of coefficients:

            Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  4.29966    1.09523  3.9258 0.0003076 ***
price       -1.33833    0.34337 -3.8977 0.0003352 ***
income       0.17239    0.23661  0.7286 0.4702172    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

> ## Jarque-Bera test (Figure 5.2, p. 115)
> hist(residuals(cig_lm2), breaks = 16, ylim = c(0, 10), col = "lightgray")
> library("tseries")
> jarque.bera.test(residuals(cig_lm2))

	Jarque Bera Test

data:  residuals(cig_lm2)
X-squared = 0.28935, df = 2, p-value = 0.8653

> ## Tables 8.1 and 8.2
> influence.measures(cig_lm2)
Influence measures of
	 lm(formula = packs ~ price + income, data = CigarettesB) :

     dfb.1_  dfb.pric dfb.incm    dffit cov.r   cook.d    hat inf
AL  0.14503  0.069010 -0.14188  0.19186 1.070 1.23e-02 0.0480    
AZ -0.11311  0.033072  0.10173 -0.25077 0.968 2.05e-02 0.0315    
AR  0.56419  0.376064 -0.56381  0.66702 0.847 1.36e-01 0.0847    
CA -0.01386 -0.255192  0.02769 -0.31637 1.114 3.34e-02 0.0975    
CT  0.15244 -0.022453 -0.14793 -0.20087 1.219 1.37e-02 0.1354   *
DE -0.12654 -0.037389  0.12991  0.23129 0.992 1.76e-02 0.0326    
DC  0.23239  0.001472 -0.22823 -0.29167 1.149 2.86e-02 0.1104    
FL  0.01116  0.050233 -0.01301  0.07389 1.112 1.86e-03 0.0431    
GA -0.00269 -0.028971  0.00551  0.04527 1.114 6.99e-04 0.0402    
ID -0.10101 -0.013791  0.09591 -0.15005 1.079 7.59e-03 0.0413    
IL -0.00101  0.000075  0.00101  0.00178 1.118 1.09e-06 0.0399    
IN -0.03076 -0.153574  0.04353  0.19363 1.105 1.26e-02 0.0650    
IA  0.00638  0.007696 -0.00639  0.01509 1.107 7.77e-05 0.0310    
KS  0.00314 -0.002575 -0.00389 -0.04083 1.092 5.68e-04 0.0223    
KY -0.09222 -0.725107  0.14758  0.80979 1.113 2.10e-01 0.1977   *
LA  0.31705  0.226157 -0.31744  0.38745 1.022 4.91e-02 0.0761    
ME  0.17424  0.309538 -0.18410  0.40000 0.940 5.13e-02 0.0553    
MD  0.39398  0.378023 -0.41346 -0.50701 1.073 8.40e-02 0.1216    
MA  0.19840  0.073723 -0.20018 -0.23411 1.126 1.84e-02 0.0856    
MI -0.00898  0.025355  0.00991  0.12316 1.052 5.10e-03 0.0238    
MN  0.01342  0.042769 -0.01537  0.05001 1.172 8.53e-04 0.0864    
MS  0.06675  0.002382 -0.06369  0.08277 1.171 2.33e-03 0.0883    
MO -0.03986 -0.089643  0.04634  0.10541 1.154 3.78e-03 0.0787    
MT -0.04820  0.067706  0.03769 -0.19283 1.021 1.24e-02 0.0312    
NE  0.02185  0.027580 -0.02540 -0.09498 1.072 3.05e-03 0.0243    
NV  0.05366  0.347879 -0.06990  0.45042 0.937 6.47e-02 0.0646    
NH -0.34967 -0.257318  0.36079  0.40764 1.142 5.53e-02 0.1308    
NJ  0.12527 -0.004859 -0.12241 -0.15616 1.234 8.29e-03 0.1394   *
NM -0.38923 -0.064661  0.37379 -0.49010 0.901 7.56e-02 0.0639    
NY  0.01626 -0.028925 -0.01431 -0.05033 1.175 8.64e-04 0.0888    
ND -0.15387 -0.005358  0.14232 -0.31360 0.885 3.12e-02 0.0295    
OH -0.00856 -0.028773  0.01108  0.04159 1.117 5.90e-04 0.0423    
OK -0.12028 -0.047228  0.11708 -0.15599 1.094 8.21e-03 0.0505    
PA  0.00741 -0.001370 -0.00765 -0.02452 1.100 2.05e-04 0.0257    
RI  0.00218  0.114469 -0.00738  0.16917 1.088 9.64e-03 0.0504    
SC  0.04282 -0.092254 -0.03271  0.15382 1.132 8.02e-03 0.0725    
SD -0.04178  0.064802  0.03307 -0.14581 1.079 7.17e-03 0.0402    
TN  0.01884 -0.062711 -0.01037  0.15431 1.046 7.98e-03 0.0294    
TX -0.06472 -0.095510  0.06734 -0.12671 1.113 5.44e-03 0.0546    
UT -0.77803 -0.317059  0.76368 -0.88760 0.679 2.24e-01 0.0856   *
VT -0.02396 -0.065794  0.03278  0.20305 0.979 1.35e-02 0.0243    
VA  0.05235  0.069110 -0.05673 -0.08713 1.156 2.59e-03 0.0773    
WA -0.00136 -0.010137  0.00187 -0.01242 1.175 5.27e-05 0.0866    
WV -0.11903  0.031391  0.11039 -0.17766 1.122 1.07e-02 0.0709    
WI  0.00494  0.006306 -0.00481  0.01736 1.100 1.03e-04 0.0254    
WY -0.00156 -0.025435  0.00388  0.03501 1.135 4.18e-04 0.0555    
> #####################################
> ## US consumption data (1950-1993) ##
> #####################################
> ## data
> data("USConsump1993", package = "AER")
> plot(USConsump1993, plot.type = "single", col = 1:2)
> ## Chapter 5 (p. 122-125)
> fm <- lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993)
> summary(fm)

lm(formula = expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-294.52  -67.02    4.64   90.02  325.84 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -65.795821  90.990824  -0.723    0.474    
income        0.915623   0.008648 105.874   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 153.6 on 42 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9963,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9962 
F-statistic: 1.121e+04 on 1 and 42 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

> ## Durbin-Watson test (p. 122)
> dwtest(fm)

	Durbin-Watson test

data:  fm
DW = 0.46078, p-value = 3.274e-11
alternative hypothesis: true autocorrelation is greater than 0

> ## Breusch-Godfrey test (Table 5.4, p. 124)
> bgtest(fm)

	Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation of order up to 1

data:  fm
LM test = 24.901, df = 1, p-value = 6.034e-07

> ## Newey-West standard errors (Table 5.5, p. 125)
> coeftest(fm, vcov = NeweyWest(fm, lag = 3, prewhite = FALSE, adjust = TRUE)) 

t test of coefficients:

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -65.795821 133.345400 -0.4934   0.6243    
income        0.915623   0.015458 59.2319   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

> ## Chapter 8
> library("strucchange")
> ## Recursive residuals
> rr <- recresid(fm)
> rr
 [1]   24.900681   30.354827   50.893291   63.260389  -49.805907  -28.404311
 [7]  -31.520559   53.194256   67.696114   -2.646556    9.679147   39.658827
[13]  -40.126557  -30.260756    2.605633  -78.941467   27.185066   64.363195
[19]  -64.906717  -71.641013   70.095867 -113.475323  -85.633171  -29.427630
[25]  128.328459  220.693133  126.591749   78.394247  -25.955574 -124.178686
[31]  -90.845193  127.830581  -30.794629  159.780872  201.707127  405.310561
[37]  390.953841  373.370919  316.431235  188.109683  134.461285  339.300414
> ## Recursive CUSUM test
> rcus <- efp(expenditure ~ income, data = USConsump1993)
> plot(rcus)
> sctest(rcus)

	Recursive CUSUM test

data:  rcus
S = 1.0267, p-value = 0.02707

> ## Harvey-Collier test
> harvtest(fm)

	Harvey-Collier test

data:  fm
HC = 3.0802, df = 41, p-value = 0.003685

> ## NOTE" Mistake in Baltagi (2002) who computes
> ## the t-statistic incorrectly as 0.0733 via
> mean(rr)/sd(rr)/sqrt(length(rr))
[1] 0.07333754
> ## whereas it should be (as in harvtest)
> mean(rr)/sd(rr) * sqrt(length(rr))
[1] 3.080177
> ## Rainbow test
> raintest(fm, center = 23)

	Rainbow test

data:  fm
Rain = 4.1448, df1 = 22, df2 = 20, p-value = 0.001116

> ## J test for non-nested models
> library("dynlm")
> fm1 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(income), data = USConsump1993)
> fm2 <- dynlm(expenditure ~ income + L(expenditure), data = USConsump1993)
> jtest(fm1, fm2)
J test

Model 1: expenditure ~ income + L(income)
Model 2: expenditure ~ income + L(expenditure)
                Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
M1 + fitted(M2)   1.6378    0.20984  7.8051 1.726e-09 ***
M2 + fitted(M1)  -2.5419    0.61603 -4.1262 0.0001874 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
> ## Chapter 11
> ## Table 11.1 Instrumental-variables regression
> usc <-
> usc$investment <- usc$income - usc$expenditure
> fm_ols <- lm(expenditure ~ income, data = usc)
> fm_iv <- ivreg(expenditure ~ income | investment, data = usc)
> ## Hausman test
> cf_diff <- coef(fm_iv) - coef(fm_ols)
> vc_diff <- vcov(fm_iv) - vcov(fm_ols)
> x2_diff <- as.vector(t(cf_diff) %*% solve(vc_diff) %*% cf_diff)
> pchisq(x2_diff, df = 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.0001836953
> ## Chapter 14
> ## ACF and PACF for expenditures and first differences
> exps <- USConsump1993[, "expenditure"]
> (acf(exps))

Autocorrelations of series 'exps', by lag

     0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
 1.000  0.941  0.880  0.820  0.753  0.683  0.614  0.547  0.479  0.412  0.348 
    11     12     13     14     15     16 
 0.288  0.230  0.171  0.110  0.049 -0.010 
> (pacf(exps))

Partial autocorrelations of series 'exps', by lag

     1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11 
 0.941 -0.045 -0.035 -0.083 -0.064 -0.034 -0.025 -0.049 -0.043 -0.011 -0.022 
    12     13     14     15     16 
-0.025 -0.061 -0.066 -0.071 -0.030 
> (acf(diff(exps)))

Autocorrelations of series 'diff(exps)', by lag

     0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
 1.000  0.344 -0.067 -0.156 -0.105 -0.077 -0.072  0.026 -0.050  0.058  0.073 
    11     12     13     14     15     16 
 0.078 -0.033 -0.069 -0.158 -0.161  0.034 
> (pacf(diff(exps)))

Partial autocorrelations of series 'diff(exps)', by lag

     1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11 
 0.344 -0.209 -0.066 -0.038 -0.065 -0.060  0.056 -0.133  0.133 -0.014  0.058 
    12     13     14     15     16 
-0.079  0.005 -0.175 -0.032  0.065 
> ## dynamic regressions, eq. (14.8)
> fm <- dynlm(d(exps) ~ I(time(exps) - 1949) + L(exps))
> summary(fm)

Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1951, End = 1993

dynlm(formula = d(exps) ~ I(time(exps) - 1949) + L(exps))

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-357.76  -78.18   22.49  108.97  201.06 

                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)          1048.96039  353.81291   2.965  0.00509 **
I(time(exps) - 1949)   39.90164   14.31344   2.788  0.00808 **
L(exps)                -0.19561    0.07398  -2.644  0.01164 * 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 147.4 on 40 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1784,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.1373 
F-statistic: 4.343 on 2 and 40 DF,  p-value: 0.01963

> ################################
> ## Grunfeld's investment data ##
> ################################
> ## select the first three companies (as panel data)
> data("Grunfeld", package = "AER")
> pgr <- subset(Grunfeld, firm %in% levels(Grunfeld$firm)[1:3])
> library("plm")
Loading required package: Formula
> pgr <-, c("firm", "year"))
> ## Ex. 10.9
> library("systemfit")
Loading required package: Matrix
> gr_ols <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "OLS", data = pgr)
> gr_sur <- systemfit(invest ~ value + capital, method = "SUR", data = pgr)
> #########################################
> ## Panel study on income dynamics 1982 ##
> #########################################
> ## data
> data("PSID1982", package = "AER")
> ## Table 4.1
> earn_lm <- lm(log(wage) ~ . + I(experience^2), data = PSID1982)
> summary(earn_lm)

lm(formula = log(wage) ~ . + I(experience^2), data = PSID1982)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-1.0271 -0.2292  0.0155  0.2231  1.1314 

                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      5.5900930  0.1901125  29.404  < 2e-16 ***
experience       0.0293801  0.0065241   4.503 8.09e-06 ***
weeks            0.0034128  0.0026776   1.275 0.202973    
occupationblue  -0.1615216  0.0369073  -4.376 1.43e-05 ***
industryyes      0.0846626  0.0291637   2.903 0.003836 ** 
southyes        -0.0587635  0.0309069  -1.901 0.057755 .  
smsayes          0.1661912  0.0295510   5.624 2.90e-08 ***
marriedyes       0.0952370  0.0489277   1.946 0.052077 .  
genderfemale    -0.3245574  0.0607294  -5.344 1.30e-07 ***
unionyes         0.1062775  0.0316755   3.355 0.000845 ***
education        0.0571935  0.0065910   8.678  < 2e-16 ***
ethnicityafam   -0.1904220  0.0544118  -3.500 0.000502 ***
I(experience^2) -0.0004860  0.0001268  -3.833 0.000141 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.3256 on 582 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4597,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.4485 
F-statistic: 41.26 on 12 and 582 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

> ## Table 13.1
> union_lpm <- lm(I(as.numeric(union) - 1) ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982)
> union_probit <- glm(union ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
> union_logit <- glm(union ~ . - wage, data = PSID1982, family = binomial)
> ## probit OK, logit and LPM rather different.
null device 