Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Draw Elliptic or Circular Arc(s)
DrawArcR Documentation

Draw Elliptic or Circular Arc(s)


Draw one or more elliptic or circular arcs from angle.beg to angle.end on an existing plot using classic graphics.


DrawArc(x = 0, y = x, radius.x = 1, radius.y = radius.x, 
        angle.beg = 0, angle.end = pi, nv = 100, 
        col = par("col"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"), 
        plot = TRUE)


x, y

a vector (or scalar) of xy-coordinates of the center(s) of the arc(s).


a scalar or a vector giving the semi-major axis of the ellipse for the arc(s)


a scalar or a vector giving the semi-minor axis of the ellipse for the arc(s). Default is radius.x which will result in a circle arc with radius.x.


a scalar or a vector of starting angles in radians.


a scalar or a vector of ending angles in radians.


number of vertices used to plot the arc. Scalar or vector.


color for the arc(s). Scalar or vector.


line type used for drawing.


line width used for drawing.


logical. If TRUE the structure will be plotted. If FALSE only the xy-points are calculated and returned. Use this if you want to combine several geometric structures to a single polygon.


All parameters are recycled if necessary.
Be sure to use an aspect ratio of 1 as shown in the example to avoid distortion.


DrawArc invisibly returns a list of the calculated coordinates for all shapes.


Andri Signorell <>

See Also

DrawCircle, DrawAnnulusSector, polygon


curve(sin(x), 0, pi, col="blue", asp=1)
DrawArc( x = pi/2, y = 0, radius.x = 1, angle.beg = pi/4, angle.end = 3*pi/4, col="red")


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> library(DescTools)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/DescTools/DrawArc.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: DrawArc
> ### Title: Draw Elliptic or Circular Arc(s)
> ### Aliases: DrawArc
> ### Keywords: aplot
> ### ** Examples
> curve(sin(x), 0, pi, col="blue", asp=1)
> DrawArc( x = pi/2, y = 0, radius.x = 1, angle.beg = pi/4, angle.end = 3*pi/4, col="red")
null device 