Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Kernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises...
vm.kdeR Documentation

Kernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises kernel


Kernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises kernel.


vm.kde(u, h, thumb = "none", rads = TRUE)



A numeric vector containing the data.


The bandwidth.


It can be either "none", so the bandwidth the user has set will be used, "tay" for the method of Taylor (2008) or "rot" for the method of Garcia-Portugues (2013).


If the data are in radians, this should be TRUE and FALSE otherwise.


The user has the option to use a bandwidth he/she has found in some way (cross-validation) or estimate it as Taylor (2008) or Garcia-Portugues (2013).


A list including:


The bandwidth. If the user chose one of "tay" or "rot" the estimated bandwidth will be returned.


The kernel density estimate at the observed points.


Michail Tsagris

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris <> and Giorgos Athineou<>


Taylor, C. C. (2008). Automatic bandwidth selection for circular density estimation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 52(7): 3493-3500.

Garcia Portugues, E. (2013). Exact risk improvement of bandwidth selectors for kernel density estimation with directional data. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 1655-1685.

See Also

vmkde.tune, vmfkde.tune, vmf.kde


x <- rvonmises(100, 2.4, 10, rads = TRUE)
hist(x, freq = FALSE)
f1 <- vm.kde(x, h = 0.1, thumb = "rot", rads = TRUE)$f
f2 <- vm.kde(x, h = 0.1, thumb = "tay", rads = TRUE)$f
h <- vmkde.tune(x)[1]
f3 <- vm.kde(x, h = h, thumb = "none", rads = TRUE)$f
points(x, f1, col = 1)
points(x, f2, col = 2)
points(x, f3, col = 3)


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> library(Directional)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Directional/vm.kde.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: vm.kde
> ### Title: Kernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises
> ###   kernel
> ### Aliases: vm.kde
> ### Keywords: Kernel density von Mises kernel
> ### ** Examples
> x <- rvonmises(100, 2.4, 10, rads = TRUE)
> hist(x, freq = FALSE)
> f1 <- vm.kde(x, h = 0.1, thumb = "rot", rads = TRUE)$f
> f2 <- vm.kde(x, h = 0.1, thumb = "tay", rads = TRUE)$f
> h <- vmkde.tune(x)[1]
> f3 <- vm.kde(x, h = h, thumb = "none", rads = TRUE)$f
> points(x, f1, col = 1)
> points(x, f2, col = 2)
> points(x, f3, col = 3)
null device 