Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Determine Normalisation factors
getNormFactorsR Documentation

Determine Normalisation factors


Determine normalisation factors for a specified set of samples. Potentially only a subset of the peaks can be used to determine normalisation factors. The determined factors can be accessed with DBA$MD$NormFactors. Normalised total counts are additionally computed and stored at DBA$MD$NormTotalCounts.


getNormFactors(DBA, method = "DESeq", SampleIDs = NULL, Usefiltered = TRUE,
PeakIDs = NULL, overWrite = FALSE)



DBA object after running getPeakProfiles.


currently only the DESeq normalisation method is implemented [1].


State which samples should be normalised; if NULL all are used.


If TRUE, only peaks that have passed the filter to detect Outliers are used. findOutlier() must be run first, otherwise all peaks are used


Specify a subset of peaks to be used to determine normalisation factors; If NULL all peaks are used.


If TRUE, previous computed NormFactors and NormTotalCounts are overwritten


DBA object, with additional list elements NormFactors and NormTotalCounts appended to MD. Note, that if you call getNormFactors several times with different parameters, you can have more than one set of normalisation factors appended. However, NormTotalCounts will be overwritten unless specified otherwise.


Gabriele Schweikert


[1] Anders S. and Huber W. (2010). Differential expression analysis for sequence count data Genome Biology, 11 (10): R106

See Also

getPeakProfiles, plotPeak, findOutliers


# load DBA objects with peak profiles 

Cfp1Norm <- getNormFactors(Cfp1Profiles)

# compare total counts before and after normalisation:
boxplot(Cfp1Norm$MD$RawTotalCounts[,1:3], ylim=c(0,2000))
boxplot(Cfp1Norm$MD$NormTotalCounts[,1:3], ylim=c(0,2000))

# compare individual peak profiles before and after normalisation,
# using plotPeak, e.g.:

plotPeak(Cfp1Norm,, NormMethod = NULL)

plotPeak(Cfp1Norm,, NormMethod = 'DESeq')

# You can also specify a subset of samples which should be normalised, e.g:

SampleIDs <- c("WT.AB2", "Null.AB2")
Cfp1Norm2 <- getNormFactors(Cfp1Profiles, SampleIDs=SampleIDs)

# Or you can specify a subset of peaks which should be used to determine
# the normalisation factors. For example run findOutliers:

Cfp1 <- findOutliers(Cfp1Profiles, range=5)
PeakIDs <- Cfp1$MD$Filter$FiltPeakIds
Cfp1Norm3 <- getNormFactors(Cfp1, PeakIDs = PeakIDs)


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> library(MMDiff)
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Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

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    colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums

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  version 3.4 
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/MMDiff/getNormFactors.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: getNormFactors
> ### Title: Determine Normalisation factors
> ### Aliases: getNormFactors
> ### ** Examples
> # load DBA objects with peak profiles 
> data(Cfp1Profiles)
> Cfp1Norm <- getNormFactors(Cfp1Profiles)
Computing Scaling factor according to DESeq normalization method
Using all Samples: nSamples = 3
[1] "WT.AB2"   "Null.AB2" "Resc.AB2"
Using unfiltered Peaks
nPeaks = 1000 (of 1000)
appending NormTotalCounts
Determined Factors:
     WT_2    Null_2    Resc_2 
0.9439729 0.8899213 1.1986945 

> Cfp1Norm$MD$NormFactors
     WT_2    Null_2    Resc_2 
0.9439729 0.8899213 1.1986945 

> # compare total counts before and after normalisation:
> boxplot(Cfp1Norm$MD$RawTotalCounts[,1:3], ylim=c(0,2000))
> boxplot(Cfp1Norm$MD$NormTotalCounts[,1:3], ylim=c(0,2000))
> # compare individual peak profiles before and after normalisation,
> # using plotPeak, e.g.:
> plotPeak(Cfp1Norm,, NormMethod = NULL)
No normalization factors applied
> plotPeak(Cfp1Norm,, NormMethod = 'DESeq')
> # You can also specify a subset of samples which should be normalised, e.g:
> SampleIDs <- c("WT.AB2", "Null.AB2")
> Cfp1Norm2 <- getNormFactors(Cfp1Profiles, SampleIDs=SampleIDs)
Computing Scaling factor according to DESeq normalization method
Using subset of samples: nSamples = 2 (of 3)
[1] "WT.AB2"   "Null.AB2"
Using unfiltered Peaks
nPeaks = 1000 (of 1000)
appending NormTotalCounts
Determined Factors:
     WT_2    Null_2 
1.0249705 0.9756378 

> # Or you can specify a subset of peaks which should be used to determine
> # the normalisation factors. For example run findOutliers:
> Cfp1 <- findOutliers(Cfp1Profiles, range=5)
Error in : no suitable unused file name for pdf()
Calls: findOutliers ->
Execution halted