Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Ratio of excess kinship among descendants over mean kinship...
ComputeKinshipPropCoef-methodR Documentation

Ratio of excess kinship among descendants over mean kinship among founders


Computes, for each pair of final descendants in the pedigree structure contained in the pedigree object, the ratio of the difference between the inferred and expected kinship coefficient for the pair over the mean kinship among founders.


## S4 method for signature 'RVsharingProb'



obj is a RVsharingProb object returned by the function RVsharing


The ratio for each pair of final descendants is computed using equation (A1) of Bureau et al. Dividing the difference between the inferred and expected kinship coefficient for each pair by this ratio gives a pair-specific estimate of the mean kinship among founders, which can then be averaged over all pairs of final descendants from the same population to obtain a global estimate of the mean kinship among founders.


A symmetric matrix of ratios for all pair of final descendants in the pedigree structure contained in the pedigree object.


Alexandre Bureau <>


Bureau, A., Younkin, S., Parker, M.M., Bailey-Wilson, J.E., Marazita, M.L., Murray, J.C., Mangold, E., Albacha-Hejazi, H., Beaty, T.H. and Ruczinski, I. (2014) Inferring rare disease risk variants based on exact probabilities of sharing by multiple affected relatives. Bioinformatics, 30(15): 2189-96, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu198.

See Also



obj = RVsharing(ped.list[[1]])


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> library(RVsharing)

Welcome to RVsharing version 1.6.0

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RVsharing/compute.kinship.prop.coef.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ComputeKinshipPropCoef-method
> ### Title: Ratio of excess kinship among descendants over mean kinship
> ###   among founders
> ### Aliases: ComputeKinshipPropCoef
> ###   ComputeKinshipPropCoef,RVsharingProb-method
> ### ** Examples
> data(ped.list)
> plot(ped.list[[1]])
> obj = RVsharing(ped.list[[1]])
> ComputeKinshipPropCoef(obj)
[1,] 0.9375
null device 