Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot function for raggr object returned by RankAggreg or...
plot.raggrR Documentation

Plot function for raggr object returned by RankAggreg or BruteAggreg


Plots individual ordered lists with the corresponding solution. Optionally, naive average rank aggregation can be added.


## S3 method for class 'raggr'
plot(x, show.average = TRUE, show.legend = TRUE, colR="red", ...)



raggr object returned by RankAggreg


boolean if average aggregation to be plotted


boolean if the legend is to be displayed


specifies the color for the resulting list


additional plotting parameters


The function plots individual lists and the solution using ranks only (weights are not used at any time). Optional average rank aggregation can be performed and visualized. Average rank aggregation is a simple aggregation procedure which computes the average ranks for each unique element accross and orders them from the smallest to the largest value.


Nothing is returned


Vasyl Pihur, Somnath Datta, Susmita Datta


Pihur, V., Datta, S., and Datta, S. (2007) "Weighted rank aggregation of cluster validation measures: a Monte Carlo cross-entropy approach" Bioinformatics, 23(13):1607-1615

See Also

RankAggreg, BruteAggreg


# rank aggregation without weights
x <- matrix(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E",
        "B", "D", "A", "E", "C",
        "B", "A", "E", "C", "D",
        "A", "D", "B", "C", "E"), byrow=TRUE, ncol=5)

(CES <- RankAggreg(x, 5, method="CE", distance="Spearman", rho=.1, verbose=FALSE))


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> library(RankAggreg)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RankAggreg/plot.raggr.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.raggr
> ### Title: Plot function for raggr object returned by RankAggreg or
> ###   BruteAggreg
> ### Aliases: plot.raggr
> ### Keywords: optimize robust
> ### ** Examples
> # rank aggregation without weights
> x <- matrix(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E",
+         "B", "D", "A", "E", "C",
+         "B", "A", "E", "C", "D",
+         "A", "D", "B", "C", "E"), byrow=TRUE, ncol=5)
> (CES <- RankAggreg(x, 5, method="CE", distance="Spearman", rho=.1, verbose=FALSE))
The optimal list is: 
        A B D C E

  Algorithm:   CE
  Distance:    Spearman
  Score:       4 
> plot(CES)
null device 