Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric...
moranda.geometric.plotR Documentation

Plotting the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model


moranda.geometric.plot plots the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model and the raw data into one window.


moranda.geometric.plot(D, theta, t, xlab = "time", 
    ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", 
    main = NULL)



parameter value for D


parameter value for theta


time between failure data


a title for the x axis


a title for the y axis


an overall title for the plot


This function gives a plot of the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model. Here the estimated values for D and theta, which are obtained by using moranda.geometric, can be put in. Internally the function mvf.mor is used to get the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model.


A graph of the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model and of the raw data.


Andreas Wittmann


J.D. Musa, A. Iannino, and K. Okumoto. Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application. McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Michael R. Lyu. Handbook of Software Realibility Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.

See Also

moranda.geometric, mvf.mor


# time between-failure-data from DACS Software Reliability Dataset
# homepage, see system code 1. Number of failures is 136.
t <- c(3, 30, 113, 81, 115, 9, 2, 20, 20, 15, 138, 50, 77, 24,
       108, 88, 670, 120, 26, 114, 325, 55, 242, 68, 422, 180,
       10, 1146, 600, 15, 36, 4, 0, 8, 227, 65, 176, 58, 457,
       300, 97, 263, 452, 255, 197, 193, 6, 79, 816, 1351, 148,
       21, 233, 134, 357, 193, 236, 31, 369, 748, 0, 232, 330,
       365, 1222, 543, 10, 16, 529, 379, 44, 129, 810, 290, 300,
       529, 281, 160, 828, 1011, 445, 296, 1755, 1064, 1783, 
       860, 983, 707, 33, 868, 724, 2323, 2930, 1461, 843, 12,
       261, 1800, 865, 1435, 30, 143, 108, 0, 3110, 1247, 943,
       700, 875, 245, 729, 1897, 447, 386, 446, 122, 990, 948,
       1082, 22, 75, 482, 5509, 100, 10, 1071, 371, 790, 6150,
       3321, 1045, 648, 5485, 1160, 1864, 4116)
D <- moranda.geometric(t)$D
theta <- moranda.geometric(t)$theta

moranda.geometric.plot(D, theta, t, xlab = "time (in seconds)", 
                       main = "Moranda-Geometric model")


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> library(Reliability)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Reliability/moranda.geometric.plot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: moranda.geometric.plot
> ### Title: Plotting the mean value function for the Moranda-Geometric model
> ### Aliases: moranda.geometric.plot
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
> # time between-failure-data from DACS Software Reliability Dataset
> # homepage, see system code 1. Number of failures is 136.
> t <- c(3, 30, 113, 81, 115, 9, 2, 20, 20, 15, 138, 50, 77, 24,
+        108, 88, 670, 120, 26, 114, 325, 55, 242, 68, 422, 180,
+        10, 1146, 600, 15, 36, 4, 0, 8, 227, 65, 176, 58, 457,
+        300, 97, 263, 452, 255, 197, 193, 6, 79, 816, 1351, 148,
+        21, 233, 134, 357, 193, 236, 31, 369, 748, 0, 232, 330,
+        365, 1222, 543, 10, 16, 529, 379, 44, 129, 810, 290, 300,
+        529, 281, 160, 828, 1011, 445, 296, 1755, 1064, 1783, 
+        860, 983, 707, 33, 868, 724, 2323, 2930, 1461, 843, 12,
+        261, 1800, 865, 1435, 30, 143, 108, 0, 3110, 1247, 943,
+        700, 875, 245, 729, 1897, 447, 386, 446, 122, 990, 948,
+        1082, 22, 75, 482, 5509, 100, 10, 1071, 371, 790, 6150,
+        3321, 1045, 648, 5485, 1160, 1864, 4116)
> D <- moranda.geometric(t)$D
> theta <- moranda.geometric(t)$theta
> moranda.geometric.plot(D, theta, t, xlab = "time (in seconds)", 
+                        main = "Moranda-Geometric model")
null device 