Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model
musa.okumoto.plotR Documentation

Plotting the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model


musa.okumoto.plot plots the estimated mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model and the raw data into one window.


musa.okumoto.plot(theta0, theta1, t, xlab = "time", 
    ylab = "Cumulated failures and estimated mean value function", 
    main = NULL)



parameter value for theta0


parameter value for theta1


time between failure data


a title for the x axis


a title for the y axis


an overall title for the plot


This function gives a plot of the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model. Here the estimated parameter values for theta0 and theta1, which are obtained by using musa.okumoto, can be put in. Internally the function mvf.musa is used to get the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model.


A graph of the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model and of the raw data.


Andreas Wittmann


J.D. Musa, A. Iannino, and K. Okumoto. Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application. McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Michael R. Lyu. Handbook of Software Realibility Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.

See Also

musa.okumoto, mvf.musa


# time between-failure-data from DACS Software Reliability Dataset
# homepage, see system code 1. Number of failures is 136.
t <- c(3, 30, 113, 81, 115, 9, 2, 20, 20, 15, 138, 50, 77, 24,
       108, 88, 670, 120, 26, 114, 325, 55, 242, 68, 422, 180,
       10, 1146, 600, 15, 36, 4, 0, 8, 227, 65, 176, 58, 457,
       300, 97, 263, 452, 255, 197, 193, 6, 79, 816, 1351, 148,
       21, 233, 134, 357, 193, 236, 31, 369, 748, 0, 232, 330,
       365, 1222, 543, 10, 16, 529, 379, 44, 129, 810, 290, 300,
       529, 281, 160, 828, 1011, 445, 296, 1755, 1064, 1783, 
       860, 983, 707, 33, 868, 724, 2323, 2930, 1461, 843, 12,
       261, 1800, 865, 1435, 30, 143, 108, 0, 3110, 1247, 943,
       700, 875, 245, 729, 1897, 447, 386, 446, 122, 990, 948,
       1082, 22, 75, 482, 5509, 100, 10, 1071, 371, 790, 6150,
       3321, 1045, 648, 5485, 1160, 1864, 4116)
theta0 <- musa.okumoto(t)$theta0
theta1 <- musa.okumoto(t)$theta1

musa.okumoto.plot(theta0, theta1, t, xlab = "time (in seconds)", 
                  main = "Musa-Okumoto model")


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> library(Reliability)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Reliability/musa.okumoto.plot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: musa.okumoto.plot
> ### Title: Plotting the mean value function for the Musa-Okumoto model
> ### Aliases: musa.okumoto.plot
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
> # time between-failure-data from DACS Software Reliability Dataset
> # homepage, see system code 1. Number of failures is 136.
> t <- c(3, 30, 113, 81, 115, 9, 2, 20, 20, 15, 138, 50, 77, 24,
+        108, 88, 670, 120, 26, 114, 325, 55, 242, 68, 422, 180,
+        10, 1146, 600, 15, 36, 4, 0, 8, 227, 65, 176, 58, 457,
+        300, 97, 263, 452, 255, 197, 193, 6, 79, 816, 1351, 148,
+        21, 233, 134, 357, 193, 236, 31, 369, 748, 0, 232, 330,
+        365, 1222, 543, 10, 16, 529, 379, 44, 129, 810, 290, 300,
+        529, 281, 160, 828, 1011, 445, 296, 1755, 1064, 1783, 
+        860, 983, 707, 33, 868, 724, 2323, 2930, 1461, 843, 12,
+        261, 1800, 865, 1435, 30, 143, 108, 0, 3110, 1247, 943,
+        700, 875, 245, 729, 1897, 447, 386, 446, 122, 990, 948,
+        1082, 22, 75, 482, 5509, 100, 10, 1071, 371, 790, 6150,
+        3321, 1045, 648, 5485, 1160, 1864, 4116)
> theta0 <- musa.okumoto(t)$theta0
> theta1 <- musa.okumoto(t)$theta1
> musa.okumoto.plot(theta0, theta1, t, xlab = "time (in seconds)", 
+                   main = "Musa-Okumoto model")
null device 