Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Translate a vector of GEV parameters into renewal model
gev2RenR Documentation

Translate a vector of GEV parameters into renewal model


Translate a (named) vector of GEV parameters into a renewal model.


        threshold = NULL,
        lambda = NULL,
        w = 1,
        distname.y = c("gpd", "GPD", "lomax", "maxlo"),
        vcovGev = NULL,
        jacobian = TRUE,
        plot = FALSE)



Named vector of GEV coefficients. This must be a vector of length 3, with names "loc", "scale" and "shape".


The threshold of the renewal model.


The rate of the renewal model.


The duration corresponding to the GEV parameters. Positive numeric scalar assumed to be in years.


The name of the distributions for the excesses in the renewal model.


A (co)variance matrix for the parameter. This must be a symmetric positive matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns, with rownames in correspondence with the parameter names.


Logical. If TRUE a Jacobian matrix will be returned as a "jacobian" attribute of the result.


If TRUE a rough plot will be produced to check the accordance of the GEV and the renewal models. It is a return level plot with the two return level curves shown.


A vector of parameters similar to the coefficient vector of an object with class "Renouv". This vector has an element named "lambda" corresponding to the rate of the Homogeneous Poisson Process. The other elements are the parameters for the distribution of POT excesses.

The result has attributes named "distname.y" and "threshold" which can be used to build a Renouv object using the RenouvNoEst function. The result may as well have attributes "jacobian" and "vcov" according to the arguments values. These objects should be used with attention to their element names, since the parameter order may not be the one you expect.


Yves Deville

See Also

The Ren2gev function provide a reciprocal transformation.


## GEV parameters and block duration
muGev <- rnorm(1); sigmaGev <- rgamma(1, shape = 5)
xiGev <- runif(1, min = -0.2, max = 0.3)
parGev <- c("loc" = muGev, "scale" = sigmaGev, "shape" = xiGev)
parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev, lambda = 1, jacobian = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
## check by reverse transform
parGevCheck <- Ren2gev(parRen, threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"))
rbind(parGev, parGevCheck)

## slightly positive shape convert to "gpd" and "lomax" distributions
x <- rgev(n = 100, loc = 3500, scale = 1000, shape = 0.1)
fit.gev <- fgev(x, start = list("loc" = 3000, "scale" = 1000, "shape" = 0.1))
distNames <- c("gpd", "lomax")
namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape") # works for the 2 target dists
fitNew <- list()
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
for (nm in distNames) {  
  parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev = fit.gev$estimate, threshold = 2800,
                    vcov = fit.gev$var.cov, distname.y = nm)
  namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape")
  myVcov <- attr(parRen, "vcov")[namesRen, namesRen]
  fitNew[[nm]] <- RenouvNoEst(threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"),
                              estimate = parRen,
                              distname.y = attr(parRen, "distname.y"),
                              cov = myVcov)
  plot(fitNew[[nm]], Tlim = c(1, 200))
plot(fit.gev, which = 4)
## slightly negative shape convert to "gpd" and "maxlo" distribution
x <- rgev(n = 100, loc = 3500, scale = 1000, shape = -0.2)
fit.gev <- fgev(x, start = list("loc" = 3000, "scale" = 1000, "shape" = 0.1))
distNames <- c("gpd", "maxlo")
namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape") # works for the 2 target dists
fitNew <- list()
opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
for (nm in distNames) {
  parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev = fit.gev$estimate, threshold = 2800,
                    vcov = fit.gev$var.cov, distname.y = nm)
  myVcov <- attr(parRen, "vcov")[namesRen, namesRen]
  fitNew[[nm]] <- RenouvNoEst(threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"),
                              estimate = parRen,
                              distname.y = attr(parRen, "distname.y"),
                              cov = myVcov)
  plot(fitNew[[nm]], Tlim = c(1, 200))
plot(fit.gev, which = 4)


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> library(Renext)
Loading required package: evd
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Renext/gev2Ren.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: gev2Ren
> ### Title: Translate a vector of GEV parameters into renewal model
> ### Aliases: gev2Ren
> ### ** Examples
> ## GEV parameters and block duration
> set.seed(1234)
> muGev <- rnorm(1); sigmaGev <- rgamma(1, shape = 5)
> xiGev <- runif(1, min = -0.2, max = 0.3)
> parGev <- c("loc" = muGev, "scale" = sigmaGev, "shape" = xiGev)
> parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev, lambda = 1, jacobian = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
> ## check by reverse transform
> parGevCheck <- Ren2gev(parRen, threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"))
> rbind(parGev, parGevCheck)
                  loc    scale     shape
parGev      -1.207066 5.107758 0.2304577
parGevCheck -1.207066 5.107758 0.2304577
> ##=======================================================================
> ## slightly positive shape convert to "gpd" and "lomax" distributions
> ##=======================================================================
> x <- rgev(n = 100, loc = 3500, scale = 1000, shape = 0.1)
> fit.gev <- fgev(x, start = list("loc" = 3000, "scale" = 1000, "shape" = 0.1))
Warning message:
In fgev.norm(x = x, start = start, ..., nsloc = nsloc, std.err = std.err,  :
  optimization may not have succeeded
> distNames <- c("gpd", "lomax")
> namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape") # works for the 2 target dists
> fitNew <- list()
> opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
> for (nm in distNames) {  
+   parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev = fit.gev$estimate, threshold = 2800,
+                     vcov = fit.gev$var.cov, distname.y = nm)
+   namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape")
+   myVcov <- attr(parRen, "vcov")[namesRen, namesRen]
+   fitNew[[nm]] <- RenouvNoEst(threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"),
+                               estimate = parRen,
+                               distname.y = attr(parRen, "distname.y"),
+                               cov = myVcov)
+   plot(fitNew[[nm]], Tlim = c(1, 200))
+ }
> plot(fit.gev, which = 4)
> par(opar)
> ##=======================================================================
> ## slightly negative shape convert to "gpd" and "maxlo" distribution
> ##=======================================================================
> x <- rgev(n = 100, loc = 3500, scale = 1000, shape = -0.2)
> fit.gev <- fgev(x, start = list("loc" = 3000, "scale" = 1000, "shape" = 0.1))
Warning message:
In fgev.norm(x = x, start = start, ..., nsloc = nsloc, std.err = std.err,  :
  optimization may not have succeeded
> distNames <- c("gpd", "maxlo")
> namesRen <- c("lambda", "scale", "shape") # works for the 2 target dists
> fitNew <- list()
> opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
> for (nm in distNames) {
+   parRen <- gev2Ren(parGev = fit.gev$estimate, threshold = 2800,
+                     vcov = fit.gev$var.cov, distname.y = nm)
+   myVcov <- attr(parRen, "vcov")[namesRen, namesRen]
+   fitNew[[nm]] <- RenouvNoEst(threshold = attr(parRen, "threshold"),
+                               estimate = parRen,
+                               distname.y = attr(parRen, "distname.y"),
+                               cov = myVcov)
+   plot(fitNew[[nm]], Tlim = c(1, 200))
+ }
> plot(fit.gev, which = 4)
> par(opar)
null device 