Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than...
pGreenwood1R Documentation

Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than one


Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than one.





Sample size.


The probability was computed by using the approximation of the quantile function of the Greenwood's statistic returned by qStat. The result is found by interpolating the distribution function for x = 1.


Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than one. For a random sample of an exponential distribution with size n, this is the probability that the coefficient of variation is less than one, or the probability that the ML estimate of the GPD shape parameter ξ is negative.


Yves Deville


n <- 8:500
plot(n, pGreenwood1(n), type = "l", col = "orangered", lwd = 2,
     log ="x", ylim =c(0.5, 0.7), main = "slow convergence to 0.5")
grid() ; abline(h = 0.5, col = "SpringGreen")


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> library(Renext)
Loading required package: evd
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Renext/pGreenwood1.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: pGreenwood1
> ### Title: Probability that the Greenwood's statistic is smaller than one
> ### Aliases: pGreenwood1
> ### ** Examples
> n <- 8:500
> plot(n, pGreenwood1(n), type = "l", col = "orangered", lwd = 2,
+      log ="x", ylim =c(0.5, 0.7), main = "slow convergence to 0.5")
> grid() ; abline(h = 0.5, col = "SpringGreen")
null device 