Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Classical Weibull distribution plot
weibplotR Documentation

Classical Weibull distribution plot


Plots a vector using Weibull distribution scales


            plot.pos = "exp",
            shape = NULL, scale = NULL,
            labels = NULL,
            mono = TRUE,



The vector to be plotted.


plotting position for points: either "exp" for expected ranks or "med" for a median rank approximation (see Details below).


Shape parameter for one or several Weibull lines to be plotted.


Scale parameter for one or several Weibull lines to be plotted.


Text to display in legend when Weibull lines are specified.


Monochrome graph.


Arguments to be passed to plot.


This plot shows log{-log[1-F(x)]} against log(x) where F(x) at point i is taken as i/(n+1) if plot.pos is "exp", or as the "median rank" approximation (i-0.3)/(n+0.4) if plot.pos is "med".


The graph displayed uses a log scale for x. The log-log scale for y is emulated via the construction of suitable graduations. So be careful when adding graphical material (points, etc) to this graph with functions of the "add to plot" family (points, lines, ...).


Yves Deville

See Also

The expplot function for an "exponential distribution" plot (dedicated to the shape = 1 case), and the fweibull function for ML estimation of the parameters.


x <- rweibull(200, shape = 1.2, scale = 1)
weibplot(x, main = "Classical Weibull plot")
## Weibull lines
weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1)
weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1,
         labels = c("before", "after"))
weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1,
         labels = c("before", "after"),
         mono = TRUE)


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> library(Renext)
Loading required package: evd
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Renext/weibplot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: weibplot
> ### Title: Classical Weibull distribution plot
> ### Aliases: weibplot
> ### ** Examples
> x <- rweibull(200, shape = 1.2, scale = 1)
> weibplot(x, main = "Classical Weibull plot")
> ## Weibull lines
> weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1)
> weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1,
+          labels = c("before", "after"))
> weibplot(x, shape = c(0.9, 1.3), scale = 1,
+          labels = c("before", "after"),
+          mono = TRUE)
null device 