Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Exploratory visualization of information spread of biological...
plot.abstract.nodesR Documentation

Exploratory visualization of information spread of biological networks


Modular layout style:

Visualization of modules in an abstract way. In the function plot.abstract.nodes, nodes in a module are replaced by a single node and the relative size of a node is proportional to the total number of nodes in a module. In the functions plot.abstract.module, plot.abstract.nodes, edges between two modules are replaced by a single edge and the total number of edges between two modules are reflected by the relative edge-width.


## S3 method for class 'abstract.nodes'
plot(x, mod.list=NULL,  rest.module=TRUE, 
color.random=FALSE, nodes.color = NULL, edge.colors=NULL,
layout.function=NULL,tkplot=FALSE,v.sf = 0, e.sf = 0,lab.color=NULL,
lab.cex=NULL, lab.dist=NULL, bg="black", ... )



x is a graph object created from an adjacency matrix or from a tabular data of two columns using graph() function available in igraph


mod.list is a list object each components of mod.list consists a vector of module to be plotted.


is a logical value, if modules information is not provided then random nodes for the modules are selected.


is a logical value, rest of the nodes to be plotted as a one module (if TRUE) or independently (if FALSE)


is a logical value, if this option is TRUE it will assign random color to each module or nodes.


assigns colors to nodes of recreated graph


is a vector of colors, assigned to color edges depending on their width from small to large width.


is a function class, this corrosponds to a layout function given as an input to plot a graph. Input function should return a two column matrix which has same no of rows as the modules in the graph


is a boolean variable, if it is true function will use this option to plot a graph, if it is false function will use plot function with a black background.


is a numeric value, this option to increase or decrease the size of nodes


is a numeric value, this option to increase or decrease width of edges


colors the vertices and edge labels


is anumeric value, increase or decrease the font size of labels


is a numeric value, adjust vertex labels


is a color value to adjust background color of the plot.


... parameter for other inputs.


Shailesh Tripathi, Frank Emmert-Streib



  plot.abstract.nodes(g1, mod.list = lm, 
edge.colors = c("red","green","blue","orange"))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(netbiov)
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/netbiov/plot.abstract.nodes.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.abstract.nodes
> ### Title: Exploratory visualization of information spread of biological
> ###   networks
> ### Aliases: plot.abstract.nodes
> ### ** Examples
>   require(igraph)
>   data("PPI_Athalina")
>   data("modules_PPI_Athalina")
>   plot.abstract.nodes(g1, mod.list = lm, 
+ edge.colors = c("red","green","blue","orange"))
IGRAPH UNW- 24 41 -- 
+ attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (e/n)
+ edges (vertex names):
 [1] GO:0007126--GO:0009736 GO:0007126--GO:0009742 GO:0007126--GO:0007389
 [4] GO:0007126--GO:0009626 GO:0009639--GO:0009736 GO:0009639--GO:0045036
 [7] GO:0009639--GO:0031123 GO:0009639--GO:0009742 GO:0009639--GO:0051726
[10] GO:0009639--GO:0008380 GO:0009639--GO:0006355 GO:0009639--GO:0031667
[13] GO:0009639--GO:0030968 GO:0009639--GO:0007243 GO:0009639--GO:0009626
[16] GO:0009639--GO:0051252 GO:0009639--GO:0044257 GO:0009639--GO:0071472
[19] GO:0009736--GO:0009738 GO:0009736--GO:0010374 GO:0009736--GO:0006913
[22] GO:0009736--GO:0010087 GO:0006352--GO:0051726 GO:0006352--GO:0007243
+ ... omitted several edges

                  [,1]        [,2]
GO:0007126   -9.922799   -7.101355
GO:0009639    5.257291   30.410693
GO:0009736   35.983771  -10.218641
GO:0006352   10.959543  -41.311221
GO:0045036  -35.417103   33.035643
GO:0031123  -48.941435   -8.152928
GO:0009738   43.128044   37.748850
GO:0009742  -17.591155  -63.267412
GO:0051726   71.000824    5.580208
GO:0008380   51.686475  -50.060960
GO:0006355  -58.922101  -43.324444
GO:0006810  -30.988881   73.053596
GO:0031667   30.386976   76.775930
GO:0007389  -81.085898   26.760723
GO:0030968   24.581713  -93.937711
GO:0007243   -1.886630  100.000000
GO:0010374 -100.000000  -12.034310
GO:0006913  -75.311003   69.927969
GO:0009626  100.000000  -25.165001
GO:0010087  -30.819373 -100.000000
GO:0015979   99.106623   35.051830
GO:0051252   73.932334   77.315089
GO:0044257  -81.329380  -73.858667
GO:0071472   79.091715  -77.189747

 GO:0007126  GO:0009639  GO:0009736  GO:0006352  GO:0045036  GO:0031123 
"#FFFF56BF" "#FF0200BF" "#FFF300BF" "#FFFF56BF" "#FFFF02BF" "#FFFFC0BF" 
 GO:0009738  GO:0009742  GO:0051726  GO:0008380  GO:0006355  GO:0006810 
 GO:0031667  GO:0007389  GO:0030968  GO:0007243  GO:0010374  GO:0006913 
 GO:0009626  GO:0010087  GO:0015979  GO:0051252  GO:0044257  GO:0071472 

 [1] "orange" "red"    "red"    "red"    "orange" "blue"   "blue"   "blue"  
 [9] "blue"   "red"    "red"    "orange" "blue"   "blue"   "blue"   "blue"  
[17] "blue"   "orange" "red"    "orange" "red"    "orange" "red"    "red"   
[25] "red"    "orange" "red"    "red"    "blue"   "red"    "red"    "red"   
[33] "red"    "red"    "red"    "red"    "red"    "red"    "red"    "red"   
[41] "red"   

GO:0007126 GO:0009639 GO:0009736 GO:0006352 GO:0045036 GO:0031123 GO:0009738 
  18.86842   59.00000   24.78947   18.86842   22.81579   13.82456   25.44737 
GO:0009742 GO:0051726 GO:0008380 GO:0006355 GO:0006810 GO:0031667 GO:0007389 
  22.37719   32.68421   23.25439   28.07895   17.11404   11.85088   16.67544 
GO:0030968 GO:0007243 GO:0010374 GO:0006913 GO:0009626 GO:0010087 GO:0015979 
  10.97368   12.50877   14.92105   16.01754   14.92105   19.08772   17.33333 
GO:0051252 GO:0044257 GO:0071472 
  13.82456   11.19298   15.35965 

[1] 0.3

[1] 1

 [1] "GO:0007126 \ntotal nodes: 45"  "GO:0009639 \ntotal nodes: 228"
 [3] "GO:0009736 \ntotal nodes: 72"  "GO:0006352 \ntotal nodes: 45" 
 [5] "GO:0045036 \ntotal nodes: 63"  "GO:0031123 \ntotal nodes: 22" 
 [7] "GO:0009738 \ntotal nodes: 75"  "GO:0009742 \ntotal nodes: 61" 
 [9] "GO:0051726 \ntotal nodes: 108" "GO:0008380 \ntotal nodes: 65" 
[11] "GO:0006355 \ntotal nodes: 87"  "GO:0006810 \ntotal nodes: 37" 
[13] "GO:0031667 \ntotal nodes: 13"  "GO:0007389 \ntotal nodes: 35" 
[15] "GO:0030968 \ntotal nodes: 9"   "GO:0007243 \ntotal nodes: 16" 
[17] "GO:0010374 \ntotal nodes: 27"  "GO:0006913 \ntotal nodes: 32" 
[19] "GO:0009626 \ntotal nodes: 27"  "GO:0010087 \ntotal nodes: 46" 
[21] "GO:0015979 \ntotal nodes: 38"  "GO:0051252 \ntotal nodes: 22" 
[23] "GO:0044257 \ntotal nodes: 10"  "GO:0071472 \ntotal nodes: 29" 

[1] "blue"

[1] 0.2

 GO:0007126  GO:0009639  GO:0009736  GO:0006352  GO:0045036  GO:0031123 
"#FFFF56BF" "#FF0200BF" "#FFF300BF" "#FFFF56BF" "#FFFF02BF" "#FFFFC0BF" 
 GO:0009738  GO:0009742  GO:0051726  GO:0008380  GO:0006355  GO:0006810 
 GO:0031667  GO:0007389  GO:0030968  GO:0007243  GO:0010374  GO:0006913 
 GO:0009626  GO:0010087  GO:0015979  GO:0051252  GO:0044257  GO:0071472 

 [1]  5.000000  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  5.000000  3.333333  3.333333
 [8]  3.333333  3.333333  1.666667  1.666667 10.000000  3.333333  3.333333
[15]  3.333333  3.333333  3.333333  8.333333  1.666667  5.000000  1.666667
[22]  5.000000  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  5.000000  1.666667  1.666667
[29]  3.333333  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667
[36]  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667  1.666667

[1] "black"

[1] "serif"

[1] "blue"

[1] 1


[1] "netbiov"
null device 