Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 3 of 3 found.
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Discrete4 (Package: HH) :

Discrete with four levels color dataset. These colors look like four distinct colors when run through the vischeck simulator to see how they look for the three most common color vision deficiencies: Deuteranope, Protanope, Tritanope.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Discrete4
● 0 images

datasets (Package: HH) : Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and

Most of the datasets are described in the book Statistical Analysis and Data Display.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: AEdata, AudiencePercent, Design_2.8_2, Design_2.8_2_full, NZScienceTeaching, PoorChildren, ProfChal, ProfDiv, R282, R282.y, SFF8121, abc, abrasion, acacia, aeanonym, animal, anneal, apple, ara, balance, barleyp, batch, bean, birthweight, blood, blyth, breast, budworm, byss, c3c4, catalystm, cc135, cc176, cement, census4, cereals, chimp, circuit, co2, concord, crash, crime, darwin, datasets, diamond, display, distress, draft, draft70mn, drunk, eggs, elnino, employM16, energy, esr, fabricwear, fat, fat.dat, feed, filmcoat, filter, fruitflies, furnace, girlht, glasses, golf, gum, gunload, har1, har2, har3, hardness, heartvalve, hooppine, hospital, hotdog, houseprice, hpErie, htwt, iceskate, icu, income, inconsistent, intubate, ironpot, jury, kangaroo, kidney, kyphosis, lake, leukemia, lft.asat, lifeins, longley, lymph, maiz, manhours, market, mice, mileage, mortality, mpg, muscle, njgolf, normtemp, notch, oats, odoffna, operator, oral, ozone, paper, patient, plasma, political, potency, pox, product, psycho, pulmonary, pulse, radioact, rent, retard, rhiz.alfalfa, rhiz.clover, rhizobium1, rhizobium3, salary, salinity, salk, seeding, selfexam, shipment, sickle, skateslc, smokers, spacshu, spindle, sprint, stopdist, surface, tablet1, teachers, testing, testscore, tires, tongue, tser.mystery.X, tser.mystery.Y, tser.mystery.Z, tsq, turkey, tv, usair, uscrime, vocab, vulcan, washday, water, weightloss, weld, wheat, wool, workstation, yates, yatesppl
● 0 images

col3x2 (Package: HH) :

col3x2 color dataset.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: col3x2
● 0 images