Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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HRVProcessedData (Package: RHRV) : HRVProcessedData

HRV data containing the heart rhythm of patient suffering from paraplegia and hypertension. The subject from whom the HR was obtained is a patient suffering from paraplegia and hypertension (systolic blood pressure above 200 mmHg). During the recording, he is supplied with prostaglandin E1 (a vasodilator that is rarely employed) and systolic blood pressure fell to 100 mmHg for over an hour. Then, the blood pressure was slowly recovering until 150 mmHg, more or less
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: HRVProcessedData
● 0 images

HRVData (Package: RHRV) : HRVData

HRVData structure containing the occurrence times of the hearbeats of patient suffering from paraplegia and hypertension. The subject from whom the HR was obtained is a patient suffering from paraplegia and hypertension (systolic blood pressure above 200 mmHg). During the recording, he is supplied with prostaglandin E1 (a vasodilator that is rarely employed) and systolic blood pressure fell to 100 mmHg for over an hour. Then, the blood pressure was slowly recovering until 150 mmHg, more or less
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: HRVData
● 0 images