Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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univbct (Package: multilevel) : Data from Bliese and Ployhart (2002)

This data set contains the complete data set used in Bliese and Ployhart (2002). The data is longitudinal data converted to univariate (i.e., stacked) form. Data were collected at three time points.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: univbct
● 0 images

lq2002 (Package: multilevel) : Data used in special issue of Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 13, 2002

This dataset contains the complete data used in a special issue of Leadership Quarterly edited by Paul Bliese, Ronald Halverson and Chet Schriesheim in 2002 (Vol 13). Researchers from several universities analyzed this common dataset using various multilevel techniques. The three scales used in the analyses are Leadership Climate (LEAD), Task Significance (TSIG) and Hostility (HOSTILE). The data set contains each item making up these scales. These items were used by Cohen, Doveh and Nahum-Shani (2009).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: lq2002
● 0 images

klein2000 (Package: multilevel) : Data from Klein, Bliese, Kozlowski et al., (2000)

This data set contains the complete data used in Klein et al. (2000). The Klein et al. chapter uses a simulated data set to compare and contrast WABA, HLM, and Cross-Level Operator Analyses (CLOP). The simulated data set was created by Paul Bliese.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: klein2000
● 0 images

cohesion (Package: multilevel) : Five cohesion ratings from 11 individuals nested in 4 platoons in 2 larger units

This data set contains five cohesion measures provided by 11 individuals. The individuals providing the measures are members of four platoons further nested within two larger units. This data file is used for demonstative purposes in the document "Multilevel Modeling in R" that accompanies this package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: cohesion
● 0 images

chen2005 (Package: multilevel) : Data from Chen (2005)

This data set contains the complete data used in Chen (2005). Chen (2005) examined newcomer adaptation in 65 project teams. The level of analysis was the team-level. In the study, team leaders assessed the initial team performance (TMPRF) at time 1 and then assessed newcomer performance over three additional time points (NCPRF.T1, NCPRF.T2, NCPRF.T3). Initial team expectations (TMEXP) and initial newcomer empowerment (NCEMP) were also assessed and modeled, but were not analyzed as repeated measures. To specify the Table 2 model in Chen (2005), these data need to be converted to univariate or stacked form (see the make.univ function). Using the default values of make.univ and creating a dataframe called chen2005.univ, the specific lme model is lme(MULTDV~NCEMP*TIME+TMEXP*TIME+TMPRF*TIME,random=~TIME|ID,chen2005.univ)
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: chen2005
● 0 images

bhr2000 (Package: multilevel) : Data from Bliese, Halverson and Rothberg (2000)

This data set contains the complete data used in Bliese, Halverson & Rotheberg (2000). The data set contains 14 variables with individual ratings of US Army Company leadership, work hours, and the degree to which individuals find comfort from religion. The leadership and workhours variables are subsets of the Bliese and Halveson (1996) data set; however, in the case of leadership, the agree data set contains the 11 items that make up the scale whereas the bh1996 data set contains only the scale score. Most items are on a strongly disagree to strongly agree scale. The RELIG item is on a never to always scale.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: bhr2000
● 0 images

bh1996 (Package: multilevel) : Data from Bliese and Halverson (1996)

This dataset contains the complete data used in Bliese and Halverson (1996). The dataset contains 4 variables. These variables are Cohesion (COHES), Leadership Climate (LEAD), Well-Being (WBEING) and Work Hours (HRS). Each of these variables has two variants – a group mean version that replicates each group mean for every individual, and a within-group version where the group mean is subtracted from each individual response. The group mean version is designated with a G. (e.g., G.HRS), and the within-group version is designated with a W. (e.g., W.HRS).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: bh1996
● 0 images