Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 31 found.
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Schmid (Package: psych) : 12 variables created by Schmid and Leiman to show the Schmid-Leiman Transformation

John Schmid and John M. Leiman (1957) discuss how to transform a hierarchical factor structure to a bifactor structure. Schmid contains the example 12 x 12 correlation matrix. schmid.leiman is a 12 x 12 correlation matrix with communalities on the diagonal. This can be used to show the effect of correcting for attenuation. Two additional data sets are taken from Chen et al. (2006).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Chen, Schmid, West, schmid.leiman
● 0 images

msq (Package: psych) : 75 mood items from the Motivational State Questionnaire for 3896 participants

Emotions may be described either as discrete emotions or in dimensional terms. The Motivational State Questionnaire (MSQ) was developed to study emotions in laboratory and field settings. The data can be well described in terms of a two dimensional solution of energy vs tiredness and tension versus calmness. Additional items include what time of day the data were collected and a few personality questionnaire scores.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: msq
● 0 images

vegetables (Package: psych) : Paired comparison of preferences for 9 vegetables

A classic data set for demonstrating Thurstonian scaling is the preference matrix of 9 vegetables from Guilford (1954). Used by Guiford, Nunnally, and Nunally and Bernstein, this data set allows for examples of basic scaling techniques.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: veg, vegetables
● 0 images

bock (Package: psych) : Bock and Liberman (1970) data set of 1000 observations of the LSAT

An example data set used by McDonald (1999) as well as other discussions of Item Response Theory makes use of a data table on 10 items (two sets of 5) from the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Included in this data set is the original table as well as the reponses for 1000 subjects on the first set (Figure Classification) and second set (Debate).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: bock, bock.lsat, bock.table, lsat6, lsat7
● 0 images

Bechtoldt (Package: psych) : Seven data sets showing a bifactor solution.

Holzinger-Swineford (1937) introduced the bifactor model of a general factor and uncorrelated group factors. The Holzinger data sets are original 14 * 14 matrix from their paper as well as a 9 *9 matrix used as an example by Joreskog. The Thurstone correlation matrix is a 9 * 9 matrix of correlations of ability items. The Reise data set is 16 * 16 correlation matrix of mental health items. The Bechtholdt data sets are both 17 x 17 correlation matrices of ability tests.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Bechtoldt, Bechtoldt.1, Bechtoldt.2, Holzinger, Holzinger.9, Reise, Thurstone, Thurstone.33
● 0 images

epi.bfi (Package: psych) : 13 personality scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Big 5 inventory

A small data set of 5 scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory, 5 from a Big 5 inventory, a Beck Depression Inventory, and State and Trait Anxiety measures. Used for demonstrations of correlations, regressions, graphic displays.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: epi.bfi
● 0 images

iqitems (Package: psych) : 16 multiple choice IQ items

16 multiple choice ability items taken from the Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (SAPA) web based personality assessment project. The data from 1525 subjects are included here as a demonstration set for scoring multiple choice inventories and doing basic item statistics. For more information on the development of an open source measure of cognitive ability, consult the readings available at the
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: iqitems
● 0 images

Harman.political (Package: psych) : Eight political variables used by Harman (1967) as example 8.17

Another one of the many Harman (1967) data sets. This contains 8 political variables taken over 147 election areas. The principal factor method with SMCs as communalities match those of table 8.18. The data are used by Dziubian and Shirkey as an example of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test of factor adequacy.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Harman.political
● 0 images

Gleser (Package: psych) :

Gleser, Cronbach and Rajaratnam (1965) discuss the estimation of variance components and their ratios as part of their introduction to generalizability theory. This is a adaptation of their "illustrative data for a completely matched G study" (Table 3). 12 patients are rated on 6 symptoms by two judges. Components of variance are derived from the ANOVA.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: Gleser
● 0 images

burt (Package: psych) : 11 emotional variables from Burt (1915)

Cyril Burt reported an early factor analysis with a circumplex structure of 11 emotional variables in 1915. 8 of these were subsequently used by Harman in his text on factor analysis. Unfortunately, it seems as if Burt made a mistake for the matrix is not positive definite. With one change from .87 to .81 the matrix is positive definite.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: burt
● 0 images