Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 27251 - 27260 of 27352 found.
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speth83 (Package: zooaRch) : Bison survival data from Speth 1983

Bison survival data from Speth 1983
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: speth83
● 0 images

zcolors (Package: ztable) : Definition of Latex Color

A dataset cotaining the name of color and Hex-triplets and latex definition
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: zcolors
● 0 images

artificial (Package: wle) : Hawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial Data

This data set was generated by Hawkins, Bradu and Kass in the 1984 for illustrating some of the merits of a robust technique. The data set consists of 75 observations in four dimensions (one response and three explanatory variables). The first 10 observations are bad leverage points, and the next four points are good leverage points (i.e., their x are outlying, but the corresponding y fit the model quite well).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: artificial, x.artificial, y.artificial
● 0 images

bocage (Package: wmlf) : An orthophoto of bocage country near Nantes in France

An orthophto of bocage country near Nantes in France in 2012 with a pixel size of 5m.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: bocage
● 0 images

openfield (Package: wmlf) : An orthophoto of openfield country near Nantes in France

An orthophto of openfield country near Reims in France in 2012 with a pixel size of 5m.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: openfield
● 0 images

UN (Package: wnominate) :

This data frame contains votes from the first three sessions of the United Nations. The same data can also be downloaded as a CSV file from The object of this data set is to provide an example of how one might use the W-NOMINATE package on a set of roll call votes not already stored in ORD format.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: UN
● 0 images

sen90 (Package: wnominate) :

This dataframe contains a matrix of votes cast by U.S. Senators in the 90th Congress. The data are formatted consistent with the rollcall object format in Simon Jackman's pscl package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: sen90
● 0 images

sen90wnom (Package: wnominate) :

This dataframe contains the estimated ideal points of the 90th U.S Senate using wnominate. Although it can easily be obtained from calling the example in wnominate, it is included here to facilitate illustration of the examples for the plot and summary functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: sen90wnom
● 0 images

pop (Package: wpp2008) :

Datasets with age-specific male and female historical population estimates.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: pop, popF, popM
● 0 images

migration (Package: wpp2008) :

Estimates and projections of male and female age-specific net migration.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datasets
● Alias: migration, migrationF, migrationM
● 0 images