Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 12 found.
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scatterplotMatrixBCA (Package: BCA) : Scatterplot Matrices

A minor modification of the car package's scatterplotMatrix function that makes enhanced scatterplot matrices with univariate displays down the diagonal; spmBCA is an abbreviation for scatterplotMatrixBCA. This function just sets up a call to pairs with custom panel functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: scatterplotMatrixBCA, scatterplotMatrixBCA.default, scatterplotMatrixBCA.formula, spmBCA
● 0 images

create.samples (Package: BCA) : Create a Sample Membership Character Variable

Provides a character vector with possible values of "Estimation", "Validation" and "Holdout" that can then be used to assign observations of a data frame to estimation, validation, or (optionally) holdsout samples using the subset option of a variety of functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: create.samples
● 0 images

scatterplotBCA (Package: BCA) : Scatterplots with Boxplots

A minor modification of the car package's scatterplot function that makes enhanced scatterplots, with boxplots in the margins, a lowess smooth, smoothed conditional spread, outlier identification, and a regression line; sp is an abbreviation for scatterplot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: scatterplotBCA, scatterplotBCA.default, scatterplotBCA.formula, spBCA
● 0 images

score (Package: BCA) : Score a Database based on a Predictive Model

Provides either an integer vector that contains the "desirability" rank of a case in a data set, the fitted probability of a desired response, or the fitted probability adjusted for the true response rate based on the fitted values of a predictive model.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: adjProbScore, rankScore, rawProbScore, score
● 0 images

variable.summary (Package: BCA) : Basic summary information of the variables of a data frame

The function returns a data frame where, the row names correspond to the variable names, and a set of columns with summary information for each variable. Its purpose is to allow the user to quickly scan the data frame for potentially problematic variables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: variable.summary
● 0 images

SDIndex (Package: BCA) : A Plot of SD Index Values for K-Means Clustering Solutions

Provides a plot of SD cluster validation index values for different numbers of k-means clusters for a common underlying dataset. The number of clusters that has the lowest value of the SD index represents the "best" solution under the criteria used to construct the SD index.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: SDIndex
● 0 images

bootCVD (Package: BCA) : Cluster Solution Diagnositics Using Bootstrap Replicates

Provides a plot of both the Rand index and the Calinski-Harabas index for different numbers of clusters for a common underlying dataset using either the K-Means, K-Medians, or Neural Gas clusting algorithms based on a set of bootstrap replicates of the data.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: bootCH, bootCVD, bootPlot
● 0 images

SD.clv (Package: BCA) : A Wrapper Function for the clv.SD Function and its Components

Provides a wrapper to several function calls in the clv package needed to construct the SD index value for a clustering solution. The number of clusters that has the lowest value of the SD index represents the "best" solution under the criteria used to construct the SD index.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: SD.clv
● 0 images

relabel.factor (Package: BCA) : Relabel Factor Levels

Relabel the levels of factors to provide more descriptive names and reduce the number of factor levels.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: relabel.factor
● 0 images

bpCent (Package: BCA) : Two Dimensional Biplot of a Clustering Solution

Plot a biplot of a clustering solution on the current graphics device.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, multivariate
● Alias: bpCent
● 0 images