Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 12 found.
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zsum.test (Package: BSDA) : Summarized z-test

This function is based on the standard normal distribution and creates confidence intervals and tests hypotheses for both one and two sample problems based on summarized information the user passes to the function. Output is identical to that produced with z.test.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: zsum.test
● 0 images

z.test (Package: BSDA) : Z-test

This function is based on the standard normal distribution and creates confidence intervals and tests hypotheses for both one and two sample problems.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: z.test
● 0 images

tsum.test (Package: BSDA) : Summarized t-test

Performs a one-sample, two-sample, or a Welch modified two-sample t-test based on user supplied summary information. Output is identical to that produced with t.test.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: tsum.test
● 0 images

SRS (Package: BSDA) : Simple Random Sampling

Computes all possible samples from a given population using simple random sampling.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: SRS
● 0 images

SIGN.test (Package: BSDA) : Sign Test

This function will test a hypothesis based on the sign test and reports linearly interpolated confidence intervals for one sample problems.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: SIGN.test
● 0 images

ntester (Package: BSDA) : Normality Tester

Q-Q plots of randomly generated normal data of the same size as the tested data are generated and ploted on the perimeter of the graph while a Q-Q plot of the actual data is depicted in the center of the graph.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: ntester
1 images

nsize (Package: BSDA) : Required Sample Size

Function to determine required sample size to be within a given margin of error.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: univar
● Alias: nsize
● 0 images

normarea (Package: BSDA) : Normal Area

Function that computes and draws the area between two user specified values in a user specified normal distribution with a given mean and standard deviation
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: normarea
1 images

EDA (Package: BSDA) : Exploratory Data Anaalysis

Function that produces a histogram, density plot, boxplot, and Q-Q plot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: univar
● Alias: EDA
1 images

Combinations (Package: BSDA) : Combinations

Computes all possible combinations of n objects taken k at a time.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: Combinations
● 0 images