Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


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timss2011 (Package: DandEFA) :

The data set on the perception of science and attitude towards science for eigth grade students in Turkey data of TIMSS 2011. Data set is obtained from TIMSS 2011 Student Questionnaire. Among 42 questions, first 16 questions are on students' general opinion about school, and last 26 questions are on students' attitude and perception towards science lessons. The variables are measured with likert type scale with four choices where '1' indicates "Every Day or Almost Every Day / Agree A Lot / At Least Once A Week" and '4' indicates "Never or Almost Never / Disagree A Lot / Never" depending on the question.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: TIMSS
● Alias: timss2011
● 0 images

factload (Package: DandEFA) :

This function produces a factor loading matrix given by the specified factor extraction method, number of factors and rotation method. R-mode Exploratory Factor Analysis is based on the factorization of the variables. See "References" for more details.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Dandelion plot, Exploratory Factor Analysis
● Alias: factload
● 0 images

dandelion (Package: DandEFA) :

A Dandelion plot for R-mode Exploratory Factor Analysis methods. The loading matrix and the factor variances are being visualized.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: Dandelion Plot, Factor Analysis, Visaulization
● Alias: dandelion
2 images