Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 55 found.
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kmEstimate (Package: DiceKriging) : Fitting Kriging Models

kmEstimate is used to fit kriging models. This function should not be called directly, due to the environments defined in km to avoid computing twice nxn matrices. Call km instead.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest, internal, models
● Alias: kmEstimate
● 0 images

checkNames (Package: DiceKriging) : Consistency test between the column names of two matrices

Tests if the names of a second matrix are equal to a given matrix up to a permutation, and permute its columns accordingly. When the second one has no column names, the names of the first one are used in the same order.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models
● Alias: checkNames
● 0 images

leaveOneOutFun (Package: DiceKriging) :

Returns the mean of the squared leave-one-out errors, computed with Dubrule's formula.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest, models
● Alias: leaveOneOutFun
● 0 images

hartman3 (Package: DiceKriging) : 3D test function

Hartman 3-dimensional test function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal, optimize
● Alias: hartman3
● 0 images

covIso-class (Package: DiceKriging) : Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range

S4 class of isotropic spatial covariance kerlnes based upon the covTensorProduct class
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: coef,covIso-method, covIso-class, covMat1Mat2,covIso-method, covMatrix,covIso-method, covMatrixDerivative,covIso-method, covParametersBounds,covIso-method, covVector.dx,covIso-method, covparam2vect,covIso-method, inputnames,covIso-method, vect2covparam,covIso-method
● 0 images

show (Package: DiceKriging) : Print values of a km object

Show method for km object. Printing the main features of a kriging model.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: show,km-method
● 0 images

vect2covparam (Package: DiceKriging) : Auxiliary function

Extract the covariance parameters from a single vector. Not for direct use.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal, models
● Alias: vect2covparam
● 0 images

branin (Package: DiceKriging) : 2D test function

Branin-Hoo 2-dimensional test function.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal, optimize
● Alias: branin
1 images

computeAuxVariables (Package: DiceKriging) : Auxiliary variables for kriging

Computes or updates some auxiliary variables used for kriging (see below). This is useful in several situations : when all parameters are known (as for one basic step in Bayesian analysis), or when some new data is added but one does not want to re-estimate the model coefficients. On the other hand, computeAuxVariables is not used during the estimation of covariance parameters, since this function requires to compute the trend coefficients at each optimization step; the alternative given by (Park, Baek, 2001) is preferred.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models
● Alias: computeAuxVariables
● 0 images

logLikGrad (Package: DiceKriging) : Concentrated log-Likelihood of a km object - Analytical gradient

Returns the exact gradient vector of the concentrated log-likelihood.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest, internal, models
● Alias: logLikGrad
● 0 images