Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


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EBMAforecast (Package: EBMAforecast) : EBMAforecast

The EBMAforecast package (currently under development) allows users to increase the accuracy of forecasting models by pooling multiple component forecasts to generate ensemble forecasts. It includes functions to fit an ensemble Bayesian model averaging (EBMA) model using in-sample predictions, generate ensemble out-of-sample predictions, and create useful data visualizations. Currently, the package can only handle dichotomous outcomes or those with normally distributed errors, although additional models will be added to the package in the coming months. Missing observation are allowed in the calibration set, but models with many predictions missing are penalized.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: EBMAforecast, EBMAforecast-package
● 0 images

testSample (Package: EBMAforecast) : Test sample data

This includes the test sample data for the insurgency forecasting example in Montgomery, Hollenbach and Ward (2012). It provides the predictions for the three models included in the Ensemble model, as well as the true values of the dependent variable for insurgency in 29 Asian countries. The test sample ranges ranges from January 2010 to December 2010.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: testSample
● 0 images

presidentialForecast (Package: EBMAforecast) : Sample data Presidential Election

This includes the data for the presidential election forecasting example in Montgomery, Hollenbach and Ward (2012). The data ranges from 1952 to 2008 and includes predictions for the six different component models included in the Ensemble model. Users may split the sample into calibration and test sample.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: presidentialForecast
● 0 images

compareModels (Package: EBMAforecast) : Function for comparing multiple models based on predictive performance

This function produces statistics to compare the predictive performance of the different models component models, as well as for the EBMA model itself, for either the calibration or the test period. It currently calculates the area under the ROC (auc), the brier score, the percent of observations predicted correctly (percCorrect), as well as the proportional reduction in error compared to some baseline model (pre) for binary models. For models with normally distributed outcomes the CompareModels function can be used to calculate the root mean squared error (rmse) as well as the mean absolute error (mae).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: CompareModels-class, compareModels, compareModels,ForecastData-method
● 0 images

calibrationSample (Package: EBMAforecast) : Calibration sample data

This includes the calibration sample data for the insurgency forecasting example in Montgomery, Hollenbach and Ward (2012). It provides the predictions for the three models included in the Ensemble model, as well as the true values of the dependent variable for insurgency in 29 Asian countries. The calibration sample ranges from January 2008 to December 2009.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: calibrationSample
● 0 images

plot,FDatFitLogit-method (Package: EBMAforecast) : Plotting function for ensemble models of the class "FDatFitLogit" or "FDatFitNormal", which are the objects created by the code{calibrateEnsemble()

Default plotting for objectes created by the "calibrateEnsemble" function. See details below.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot,FDatFitLogit-method, plot,FDatFitNormal-method
2 images

calibrateEnsemble (Package: EBMAforecast) : Calibrate an ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging model

This function calibrates an EBMA model based on out-of-sample performance in the calibration time period. Given a dependent variable and calibration-sample predictions from multiple component forecast models in the ForecastData the calibrateEnsemble function fits an ensemble BMA mixture model. The weights assigned to each model are derived from the individual model's performance in the calibration period. Missing observations are allowed in the calibration period, however models with missing observations are penalized. When missing observations are prevalent in the calibration set, the EM algorithm is adjusted and model paprameters are estimated by maximizing a renormalized partial expected complete-data log-likelihood (Fraley et al. 2010).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: EBMA, calibrate
● Alias: FDatFitLogit-class, FDatFitNormal-class, ForecastDataLogit-class, ForecastDataNormal-class, calibrateEnsemble, calibrateEnsemble,ForecastData-method, fitEnsemble, fitEnsemble,ForecastData-method, fitEnsemble,ForecastDataLogit-method, fitEnsemble,ForecastDataNormal-method
● 0 images

makeForecastData (Package: EBMAforecast) : Build a ensemble forecasting data object

This function uses the component model forecasts and dependent variable observations provided by the user to create an object of class ForecastData, which can then be used to calibrate and fit the ensemble. Individual slots of the ForecastData object can be accessed and changed using the get and set functions respectively. Missing predictions are allowed in the calibration set.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: ForecastData-generic, ForecastData-method, makeForecastData, makeForecastData,ANY-method, makeForecastData-method,, print,ForecastData-method, print-method,, setModelNames<-,, setOutcomeCalibration,, setOutcomeTest<-,, setPredCalibration,, setPredTest,, show,ForecastData-method, show-method
● 0 images

summary,FDatFitLogit-method (Package: EBMAforecast) : Summary Function

This function summarizes the Ensemble models that have been fit previously by the user.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: SummaryForecastData-class, print,SummaryForecastData-method, show,SummaryForecastData-method, summary,FDatFitLogit-method, summary,FDatFitNormal-method
● 0 images

EBMApredict (Package: EBMAforecast) : EBMApredict

Function allows users to create new predictions given an already estimated EBMA model This function produces predictions based on EBMA model weights and component model predictions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: EBMApredict, EBMApredict,ForecastData-method, FDatFitLogit-method, FDatFitNormal-method, ForecastDataLogit-method, prediction, prediction,, prediction,FDatFitLogit-method, prediction,FDatFitNormal-method, prediction,ForecastDataNormal-method
● 0 images