Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 9 of 9 found.
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simul.dbFD (Package: FD) : Simulations to Explore Relationships Between Functional Diversity Indices

simul.dbFD generates artificial communities of species with artificial functional traits. Different functional diversity (FD) indices are computed from these communities using dbFD to explore their inter-relationships.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen
● Alias: simul.dbFD
● 0 images

gowdis (Package: FD) : Gower Dissimilarity

gowdis measures the Gower (1971) dissimilarity for mixed variables, including asymmetric binary variables. Variable weights can be specified. gowdis implements Podani's (1999) extension to ordinal variables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: gowdis
● 0 images

maxent.test (Package: FD) :

maxent.test performs the permutation tests proposed by Shipley (2010) for maximum entropy models. Two different null hypotheses can be tested: 1) the information encoded in the entire set of constraints C is irrelevant for predicting the probabilities, and 2) the information encoded in subset B of the entire set of constraints C = {A U B} is irrelevant for predicting the probabilities. A plot can be returned to facilitate interpretation.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, math, models
● Alias: maxent.test
● 0 images

functcomp (Package: FD) : Functional Composition

functcomp returns the functional composition of a set of communities, as measured by the community-level weighted means of trait values (CWM; e.g. Lavorel et al. 2008).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: functcomp
● 0 images

fdisp (Package: FD) : Functional Dispersion

fdisp measures the functional dispersion (FDis) of a set of communities, as described by Laliberté and Legendre (2010).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: fdisp
● 0 images

maxent (Package: FD) :

maxent returns the probabilities that maximize the entropy conditional on a series of constraints that are linear in the features. It relies on the Improved Iterative Scaling algorithm of Della Pietra et al. (1997). It has been used to predict the relative abundances of a set of species given the trait values of each species and the community-aggregated trait values at a site (Shipley et al. 2006; Shipley 2009; Sonnier et al. 2009).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: distribution, math, models
● Alias: maxent
● 0 images

FD-package (Package: FD) :

FD is a package to compute different multidimensional functional diversity (FD) indices. It implements a distance-based framework to measure FD that allows any number and type of functional traits, and can also consider species relative abundances. It also contains other tools for functional ecologists (e.g. maxent).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: FD, FD-package
● 0 images

dbFD (Package: FD) : Distance-Based Functional Diversity Indices

dbFD implements a flexible distance-based framework to compute multidimensional functional diversity (FD) indices. dbFD returns the three FD indices of Villéger et al. (2008): functional richness (FRic), functional evenness (FEve), and functional divergence (FDiv), as well functional dispersion (FDis; Laliberté and Legendre 2010), Rao's quadratic entropy (Q) (Botta-Dukát 2005), a posteriori functional group richness (FGR) (Petchey and Gaston 2006), and the community-level weighted means of trait values (CWM; e.g. Lavorel et al. 2008). Some of these FD indices consider species abundances. dbFD includes several options for flexibility.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: dbFD
● 0 images

mahaldis (Package: FD) : Mahalanobis Distance

mahaldis measures the pairwise Mahalanobis (1936) distances between individual objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: multivariate
● Alias: mahaldis
● 0 images