Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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input.check.FeaLect (Package: FeaLect) : Checks the inputs to Fealect() function.

We should have: F as a matrix, L as a vector, and length of L be equal to number of rows of F. They should have names accordingly.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, debugging, error, misc, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: input.check.FeaLect
● 0 images

compute.logistic.score (Package: FeaLect) : Fits a logistic regression model using the linear scores

A logistic regression model is fitted to the linear scores using lrm() function and the logistic scores are computed using the formula: 1/(1+exp(-(a+bX))) where a and b are the logistic coefficients.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: compute.logistic.score
● 0 images

random.subset (Package: FeaLect) : Selects a random subset of the input.

If a subset of samples are selected randomly, the navigate of positive classes might be too sparse or even empty. This function will repeat sampling until the classes are appropriate in this sense.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: random.subset
● 0 images (Package: FeaLect) :

Various linear models are fitted to the training samples using lars method. The models differ in the number of features and each is validated by validating samples. A score is also assigned to each feature based on the tendency of LASSO in including that feature in the models.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias:
● 0 images

doctor.validate (Package: FeaLect) : Validates a model using validaing samples.

A model fitted on the training samples, can be validated on a separate validating set. The recall, precision, and accuracy of the model are computed.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: doctor.validate
● 0 images

compute.balanced (Package: FeaLect) : Balances between negative and positive samples by oversampling.

If negative samples are less than positive ones, more copies of the negative cases are added and vice versa.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: compute.balanced
● 0 images

FeaLect-package (Package: FeaLect) : Scores features for Feature seLection

Description: For each feature, a score is computed that can be useful for feature selection. Several random subsets are sampled from the input data and for each random subset, various linear models are fitted using lars method. A score is assigned to each feature based on the tendency of LASSO in including that feature in the models.Finally, the average score and the models are returned as the output. The features with relatively low scores are recommended to be ignored because they can lead to overfitting of the model to the training data.Moreover, for each random subset, the best set of features in terms of global error is returned. They are useful for applying Bolasso, the alternative feature selection method that recommends the intersection of features subsets.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, package, regression
● Alias: FeaLect-package
20 images

ignore.redundant (Package: FeaLect) : Refines a feature matrix

If the value a feature is the same for all points (e.g. =0), it can be ignored.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: ignore.redundant
● 0 images

FeaLect (Package: FeaLect) :

Several random subsets are sampled from the input data and for each random subset, various linear models are fitted using lars method. A score is assigned to each feature based on the tendency of LASSO in including that feature in the models. Finally, the average score and the models are returned as the output.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: classif, models, multivariate, regression
● Alias: FeaLect
20 images