Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


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GeoDE-package (Package: GeoDE) :

This package contains functions for performing multivariate analysis of geneome-wide expression data and also enrichment analysis.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: characteristic, differential, direction, enrichmnet, expression, gene, multivariate, package
● Alias: GeoDE, GeoDE-package
10 images

PAEAAnalysis (Package: GeoDE) :

This function evaluates the enrichmnet of gene sets in expression data using the PAEA method. A characteristic direction (the result of the function chdirAnalysis and a Gene Matrix Transposed (GMT) file, which is a set of subsets of genes whose enrichmnet is evaluated, and returns a prioritized list of the gene sets.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: enrichment, multivariate
● Alias: PAEAAnalysis
3 images

chdirAnalysis (Package: GeoDE) :

This function takes genome-wide expression data as input and returns the characteristic direction - a unit vector in expression space which characterizes the differential expression. Also produced are 2D projections of the data and the characteristic direction. Optionaly this function will produce an evaluation of the signifcance of the result.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: DE, differential, expression, genes
● Alias: chdirAnalysis
3 images

multigmtPAEAAnalysis (Package: GeoDE) :

This is a wrapper function for PAEAAnalysis which evaluates the enrichmnet of gene sets in expression data using the PAEA method. A characteristic direction (the result of the function chdirAnalysis and a Gene Matrix Transposed (GMT) file, which is a set of subsets of genes whose enrichmnet is evaluated, and returns a prioritized list of the gene sets.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: enrichment, multivariate
● Alias: multigmtPAEAAnalysis
4 images