Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 131 found.
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ancovaplot (Package: HH) :

Analysis of Covariance Plots. Any of the ancova models
y ~ x * t
y ~ t * x
y ~ x + t
y ~ t + x
y ~ x , groups=t
y ~ t, x=x
y ~ x * t, groups=b
y ~ t * x, groups=b
y ~ x + t, groups=b
y ~ t + x, groups=b
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dplot, hplot, models, regression
● Alias: ancovaplot, ancovaplot.formula, panel.ancova.superpose
5 images

npar.arma (Package: HH) : Count the number of parameters in an ARIMA model specification.

Count the number of parameters in an ARIMA model specification. When arima==FALSE, just the AR and MA parameters are counted. When arima==TRUE, then the number of difference parameters are also included.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: ts
● Alias: npar.arma, npar.rarma, npar.sarma
● 0 images

regrresidplot (Package: HH) :

Draw a plot of response vector y vs predictor variable x from a linear model object all of whose predictors are a function of x, with residuals indicated by lines or squares.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: panel.residSquare, regrresidplot
1 images

panel.cartesian (Package: HH) : trellis panel function, with labeled rows and columns and without

trellis panel function, with labeled rows and columns and without strip labels. Designed for use with the ladder of powers plot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: panel.cartesian
5 images

emptyMainLeftAxisLeftStripBottomLegend (Package: HH) :

Remove main title, left axis tick labels, left strip, bottom legend from plot and keep the vertical spacing allocated to those items. This function is used to prepare a trellis object to be placed next to another trellis object. The current object will have much of its annotation removed with the intent of sharing annotation with the other object. This is motivated by the ProfChal example in plot.likert.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: emptyMainLeftAxisLeftStripBottomLegend
4 images

mmcisomeans (Package: HH) :

Functions used by mmcplot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: mmcboth, mmcisomeans, mmcmatch
● 0 images

pyramidLikert (Package: HH) : Print a Likert plot as a Population Triangle

Prints a likert plot in the traditional format for a population pyramid, with the Left and Right sides in separate panels, with the x-tick marks on the left side made positive, and with the y-axis in the Middle.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: as.pyramidLikert, print.pyramidLikert
3 images

perspPlane (Package: HH) : Helper functions for regr2.plot

Helper functions for regr2.plot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: aplot
● Alias: perspPlane
● 0 images

lmplot (Package: HH) :

Four types of residual plots for linear models. The first three are redesigns of plots that stats:::plot.lm presents. The first two show the positive residuals in col[2] and the negative residuals in color col[1]. The third and fourth use color col[1]. The fourth is based on an S-Plus panel that R doesn't provide.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dplot
● Alias: lmplot
1 images

ancova (Package: HH) : Compute and plot oneway analysis of covariance

Compute and plot oneway analysis of covariance. The result object is an ancova object which consists of an ordinary aov object with an additional trellis attribute. The trellis attribute is a trellis object consisting of a series of plots of y ~ x. The left set of panels is conditioned on the levels of the factor groups. The right panel is a superpose of all the groups.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dplot, hplot, models, regression
● Alias: analysis of covariance, ancova, anova.ancova, coef.ancova, covariance, model.frame.ancova, plot.ancova, predict.ancova, print.ancova, summary.ancova
8 images