Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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JGEE-package (Package: JGEE) : Joint Generalized Estimating Equation Solver

This package considers analysis of multivariate longitudinal data via two different joint generalized estimating equation (JGEE) models. While the first JGEE model assumes regression coefficients shared by responses, the second JGEE model assumes response-specific regression coefficients. Since the later model uses response-specific regression coefficients, this model is more flexible compared to the former model. As a result of this, the later model can be used to analyse the multivariate longitudinal data with mixed outcomes as well. On the other hand, the working correlation matrix in both JGEE models is decomposed as within-subject correlation and multivariate response correlation matrices through Kronecker product. a large menu for modelling these two correlation matrices are offered.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: joint modelling, kronecker product correlation matrix, marginal models, mixed outcomes
● Alias: JGEE, JGEE-package
● 0 images

JGee1 (Package: JGEE) : Function to fit a joint generalized estimating equation model with shared regression coefficients

This function fits a joint generalized estimating equation model to multivariate longitudinal data with mono-type responses where the regression coefficients are shared by the different response types.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: joint modelling, marginal models
● Alias: JGee1, S_H1, mycor_jgee1, print.JGee1, print.summary.JGee1, summary.JGee1
● 0 images

JGee2 (Package: JGEE) : Function to fit a joint generalized estimating equation model with response-specific regression coefficients

This function fits a joint generalized estimating equation model to multivariate longitudinal data with mono-type or mixed responses where the regression coefficients are response-specific.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: joint modelling, marginal models, mixed outcomes
● Alias: JGee2, S_H2, mycor_jgee2, print.JGee2, print.summary.JGee2, summary.JGee2
● 0 images

MSCMsub (Package: JGEE) : Mother's Stress and Children's Morbidity (MSCM) study data

In Mother's Stress and Children's Morbidity (MSCM) study, Alexander and Markowitz (1986) investigated the relationship between maternal employment and paediatric health care utilization due to considerable changes in social and demographic characteristics in the US since 1950. A total of 167 mothers and their preschool children (ages of between 18 months and 5 years) were enrolled in the MSCM study. At the beginning of the study, mothers were asked to provide demographic and domestic information about them such as education level, employment and marriage status, children's gender and race, maternal and child's health status at baseline and the household size, which are all categorical and time-invariant variables. Afterwards, the mothers were asked to record their maternal stress and child's illness status, whether present or not, in a health diary over a 28-day follow-up period. Information on these variables along with two binary responses, namely, mother's stress status and child's illness status for the days from 25 to 28 are presented here.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: bivariate longitudinal binary data
● Alias: MSCMsub
● 0 images