Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 12 found.
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granova-package (Package: PSAgraphics) :

A collection of functions that primarily produce graphics to aid in a Propensity Score Analysis (PSA). Functions include: cat.psa and box.psa to test balance within strata of categorical and quantitative covariates, circ.psa for a representation of the estimated effect size by stratum, loess.psa that provides a graphic and loess based effect size estimate, and various balance functions that provide measures of the balance achieved via a PSA in a categorical covariate.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: PSAgraphics, PSAgraphics-package
● 0 images

loess.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Graphic for data and loess-based estimate of effect size after propensity score adjustment

Plots data points using propesity scores vs. the response, separately for treatment and control groups; points are distinguished by both type and color for the two groups. Also shows (non-linear, loess-based) regression curves for both groups. The loess regresion curves are then used to derive an overall estimate of effect size (based on number and/or location of strata as set by the user). Several other statistics are also provided, for both description and inference. Graphic motivated by a suggestion of R. L. Obenchain.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: loess.psa
3 images

cv.trans.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Transformation of Factors to Individual Levels

The function cv.trans.psa takes a covariate data frame and replaces each categorical covariate of n >=3 levels with n new binary covariate columns, one for each level. Transforms covariate dataframe for use with the function cv.bal.psa.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: ~kwd1, ~kwd2
● Alias: cv.trans.psa
● 0 images

cv.bal.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Multiple Covariate Balance Assessment Plot

Provides a graphic that depicts covarite effect size differences between treatment groups both before and after stratification. Function will create stata internally if desired, and returns numerical output used to create graphic.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: cv.bal.psa
3 images

cstrata.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Supports Multiple Methods for Defining and Visualizing (PS) Strata

Given propensity scores, allows strata to be directly user defined, possibly to: equalize sizes of strata, equalize the ranges of propensity scores, or to specify cut points on the unit interval. Once strata are created, a simple graphic is generated to visualize or judge strata for overlap and appropriateness. If a regression tree has been used, propensity scores are defined for each leaf of the tree.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: cstrata.psa
3 images

circ.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Generates a Propensity Score Assessment Plot

Displays a graphic that summarizes outcomes in a propensity score analysis, based on strata that have been defined in the first Phase of a propensity score analysis (PSA). The graphic displays contributions of individual strata to the overall effect, weighing contributions of individual strata according to the relative sizes of the respective strata. The overall effect is plotted as a heavy dashed diagonal line that runs parallel to the identity diagonal.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: circ.psa
6 images

cat.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Compare balance graphically of a categorical covariate as part of a PSA

Given predefined strata and two level treatment for a categorical covariate from a propensity score analysis, cat.psa draws pairs of side by side barplots corresponding to control and treatment for each stratum.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, htest
● Alias: cat.psa
6 images

box.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Compare balance graphically of a continuous covariate as part of a PSA

Given predefined strata and two level treatment for a continuous covariate from a propensity score analysis, box.psa draws pairs of side by side boxplots corresponding to control and treatment for each stratum.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, htest
● Alias: box.psa
4 images (Package: PSAgraphics) : Balance for Continuous Covariate: Random Strata as part of a PSA

Function provides a measure (based on the trimmed mean) of the balance achieved between control and treatment groups for a continuous covariate from user defined strata. This statistic is compared to the same measure for randomly permuted strata.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias:
2 images

bal.ks.psa (Package: PSAgraphics) : Kolgomorov-Smirnov 2 sample tests for multiple strata

Automates the Kolgomorov-Smirnov 2-sample nonparametric test of equivalence of two distrbutions across multiple pairs of sample distributions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: bal.ks.psa
● 0 images