Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 96 found.
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FisherExactTest (Package: PhenStat) : Method "FisherExactTest"

The main function of the Fisher Exact Test framework. Creates n times 2 matrices with record counts, where n rows represent dependent variable levels and two columns represent genotype levels. Performs Fisher Exact Tests on calculated count matrices.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: FisherExactTest
● 0 images

JSONOutput (Package: PhenStat) : Method "JSONOutput"

Wrapper for the model fitting results. Returns model fitting and testing results in a JSON format. Assumes that modelling results are stored in the PhenTestResult object (output from function testDataset).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: JSONOutput
● 0 images

LRDataset (Package: PhenStat) : Method "LRDataset"

Prepares dataset for the LR framework - maps values of dependent variable to 0/1, where 1 is modeled.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: LRDataset
● 0 images

LargeDataObject-class (Package: PhenStat) : Class "LargeDataObject"

Internal class. A list-based S4 class for storing large data objects.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: LargeDataObject-class, printHead,LargeDataObject-method, show,LargeDataObject-method
● 0 images

PhenList-class (Package: PhenStat) : Class "PhenList"

A list-based S4 class for storing phenotypic data. Helps to support data integrity checks and statistics calculation. The PhenList object can be created by using function PhenList.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes, methods
● Alias: PhenList-class, dataset,PhenList-method, getColumn,PhenList,character-method, getColumnBatchAdjusted,PhenList,character-method, getColumnWeightBatchAdjusted,PhenList,character-method, getStat,PhenList-method, getVariables,PhenList-method, hemiGenotype,PhenList-method, multipleBatches,PhenList-method, refGenotype,PhenList-method, setBatch,PhenList,character-method, setGenotype,PhenList,character-method, setMissingValue,PhenList,character-method, setSex,PhenList,character-method, setWeight,PhenList,character-method, testGenotype,PhenList-method
● 0 images

PhenList (Package: PhenStat) : Method "PhenList"

Function to create data object from the data frame.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: PhenList
● 0 images

PhenTestResult-class (Package: PhenStat) : Class "PhenTestResult"

A list-based S4 class for storing of model fitting results and other information like dependent variable, method used to build a model, etc. Helps to support operations needed for model fitting process and modelling/testing results storage. In the package PhenTestResult object is created by function testDataset.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes, methods
● Alias: PhenTestResult-class, analysedDataset,PhenTestResult-method, analysisResults,PhenTestResult-method, getCountMatrices,PhenTestResult-method, getGenotypeEffect,PhenTestResult-method, getVariable,PhenTestResult-method, method,PhenTestResult-method, methodText,PhenTestResult-method, parameters,PhenTestResult-method, refGenotype,PhenTestResult-method, show,PhenTestResult-method, testGenotype,PhenTestResult-method, transformationText,PhenTestResult-method
● 0 images

PhenTestResult (Package: PhenStat) : Method "PhenTestResult"

Creates PhenTestResult object based on test results or model building results. Internal function for the package. Not build for users to directly call.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: PhenTestResult
● 0 images

RRTest (Package: PhenStat) : Method "RRTest"

This is an internal function run within RR framework. It performs Reference Ranges Plus test and after that Fisher Exact test on calculated count matrices. As an internal function, it doesn't include extensive error testing of inputs. Please use cautiously if calling directly.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: RRTest
● 0 images

TFDataset (Package: PhenStat) : Method "TFDataset"

Removes of all non-concurrent batches from the dataset. Returns dataset suitable for TF framework or original dataset if data removal was not successful.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: TFDataset
● 0 images