Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 4 of 4 found.
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RRHO-package (Package: RRHO) :

The package is aimed at inference on the amount of agreement in two sorted lists using the Rank-Rank Hypergeometric Overlap test.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: RRHO-package
● 0 images

RRHO (Package: RRHO) : Rank-Rank Hypergeometric Overlap Test

The function tests for significant overlap between two sorted lists using the method in the reference.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: RRHO
2 images

RRHOComparison (Package: RRHO) :

Comparing two RRHO maps where one of the lists is shared between the two maps as in {RRHO map 1: list1 vs list3} vs {RRHO map 2: list2 vs list3}.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: RRHOComparison
● 0 images

pvalRRHO (Package: RRHO) :

Computes the significance of the agreements between lists as returned by RRHO using resampling.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: htest
● Alias: pvalRRHO
● 0 images