Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 17 found.
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RTCA-class (Package: RTCA) : Class "RTCA"

RTCA object
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: RTCA-class, RTCAtimeline,RTCA-method, RTCAtimeline<-,RTCA-method, addAction,RTCA,numeric,character-method, derivativeTransform,RTCA-method, expID, expID,RTCA-method, expID<-, expID<-,RTCA-method, getAction,RTCA,numeric-method, interpolationTransform,RTCA-method, plot,RTCA-method, plotRTCA,RTCA-method, ratioTransform,RTCA-method, rgrTransform,RTCA-method, rmAction,RTCA,numeric-method, show,RTCA-method, smoothTransform,RTCA,ANY-method, smoothTransform,RTCA,missing-method, time,RTCA-method, timeline, timeline,RTCA-method, timeline<-, timeline<-,RTCA-method, timepoints, timepoints,RTCA-method, timepoints<-, timepoints<-,RTCA-method, updateAction,RTCA,numeric,character-method
● 0 images

RTCAtimeline-class (Package: RTCA) : Class "RTCAtimeline"

Time line of actions performed by the xCelligence device, supporting CRUD manipulations (create, read, update and delete).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: RTCAtimeline-class, actionTrack, actionTrack,RTCAtimeline-method, actionTrack<-, actionTrack<-,RTCAtimeline,data.frame-method, addAction, addAction,RTCAtimeline,numeric,character-method, getAction, getAction,RTCAtimeline,numeric-method, orderAction, orderAction,RTCAtimeline-method, reset, reset,RTCAtimeline-method, rmAction, rmAction,RTCAtimeline,numeric-method, startTime, startTime,RTCAtimeline-method, startTime<-, startTime<-,RTCAtimeline,POSIXct-method, timeUnit, timeUnit,RTCAtimeline-method, timeUnit<-, timeUnit<-,RTCAtimeline,character-method, updateAction, updateAction,RTCAtimeline,numeric,character-method
● 0 images

alphaNames (Package: RTCA) :

Functions to manipulate indices or names of microtitre plates
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: alphaNames, alphaNames2Pos, repairAlphaName, rowcol2pos
● 0 images

combineRTCA (Package: RTCA) :

Combine a list of RTCA objects
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: combineRTCA
● 0 images

controlView (Package: RTCA) :

A convenience function to plot sample wells with control wells on an E-plate in RTCA system. To use the function the phenoData field of the RTCA object must contain a field named “GeneSymbol”.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: controlView
1 images

derivativeTransform (Package: RTCA) :

Derivative transform of RTCA object, returning the change rate of cell impedance
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: derivativeTransform
● 0 images

factor2numeric (Package: RTCA) : FACTOR UNITILITIES

The functions implement easy interface to certain tasks of factor. See datails for explaination
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: factor2numeric, relevels
● 0 images

interpolationTransform (Package: RTCA) :

Interpolate RTCA data
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: ts
● Alias: interpolationTransform
● 0 images

nearestTimeIndex (Package: RTCA) :

Get index for the nearest time point to the given one. Called internally in many time-point related functions.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: nearestTimeIndex
● 0 images

parseRTCA (Package: RTCA) :

The function parses RTCA output file into RTCA object
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: IO, file
● Alias: parseRTCA
● 0 images