Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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RUnit (Package: RUnit) : RUnit - Package Description

This package models the common Unit Test framework for R and provides functionality to track results of test case execution and generate a summary report. It also provides tools for code inspection and thus for test case coverage analysis. The design is inspired by the popular JUnit unit test framework.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: RUnit
● 0 images

checkFuncs (Package: RUnit) : RUnit check functions

A set of functions used to check the results of some test calculation. If these functions are called within the RUnit framework, the results of the checks are stored and reported in the test protocol.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: DEACTIVATED, checkEquals, checkEqualsNumeric, checkException, checkIdentical, checkTrue
● 0 images

runTestSuite (Package: RUnit) : Definition and execution of RUnit test suites.

runTestSuite is the central function of the RUnit package. Given one or more test suites it identifies and sources specified test code files one after another and executes all specified test functions defined therein. This is done sequentially for suites, test code files and test functions. During the execution information about the test function calls including the possible occurrence of failures or errors is recorded and returned at the end of the test run. The return object can then be used to create a test protocol of various formats.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: runTestSuite
● 0 images

RUnit-internal (Package: RUnit) : Internal functions

Helper functions and private methods not intended for direct use.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: includeTracker, plotConnection.trackInfo, writeBeginBody, writeBeginHead, writeBeginHtml, writeBeginTable, writeBeginTag, writeCR, writeEndBody, writeEndHead, writeEndHtml, writeEndTable, writeEndTag, writeHtmlEnd, writeHtmlHeader, writeHtmlSection, writeHtmlSep, writeImage, writeLi, writeLink, writeLinkRef, writeP, writeRaw, writeRawCR, writeTableRow, writeTitle
● 0 images

.setUp (Package: RUnit) : Definition of RUnit Test Case code files.

Either one or both functions have to be provided by the test case author, take precedence over the dummy definitions provided by the RUnit package and are called once for every test case identified.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: .setUp, .tearDown
● 0 images

options (Package: RUnit) : RUnit options

RUnit uses three options available via the global R options list
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: environment, programming
● Alias: RUnit options, RUnit-options
● 0 images

tracker (Package: RUnit) : Tracking the results of the inspect process.

The current implementation uses the 'closure trick' to hide all details from the user and only allows to retrieve the results of the code inspection. tracker is used to create a new environment to manage and store the results of the tracking process. The inspect function requires such an environment with the name "track" (currently mandatory). The tracker records how often each and every function was called by inspect and summarizes the results of all calls. tracker$init initializes the tracker environment. tracker$getTrackInfo returns a list with the tracked results of the inspection process.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: tracker
● 0 images

textProtocol (Package: RUnit) : Printing a plain text, HTML or JUnit-like XML version of an RUnit test run protocol.

printTextProtocol prints a plain text protocol of a test run. The resulting test protocol can be configured through the function arguments.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: getErrors, print.RUnitTestData, printHTMLProtocol, printJUnitProtocol, printTextProtocol, summary.RUnitTestData
● 0 images

printHTML.trackInfo (Package: RUnit) : Write HTML pages of the tracking result.

printHTML.trackInfo creates a subdirectory named "result" in the base directory specified via baseDir. All HTML pages and images will be put in that directory.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: printHTML, printHTML.trackInfo
● 0 images

inspect (Package: RUnit) : Track the executed code lines of a function or method.

inspect examines and modifies the source code of a function or method. After the modification of the source code, the modified function will be executed and the result of the tracking process will be stored. To store the information a tracker environment with the name track must exist. Note, that not all R code constructs can be handled at the current state. In some cases it is not possible to track a specific code line. Therefore, clearly structured code with consequent use of opening and closing braces to indicate conditional expressions can prevent these parser problems.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: programming
● Alias: inspect
● 0 images