Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 19 found.
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Scatter3DDialog (Package: Rcmdr) : Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog

This dialog sets up a call to the scatter3d function to draw a three-dimensional scatterplot, and optionally to Identify3d to label points interactively with the mouse.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: Scatter3D, Scatter3DDialog
● 0 images

CFA (Package: Rcmdr) : Rcmdr Confirmatory Factor Analysis Dialog

The CFA dialog is used to create and fit a confirmatory factor analysis model via the cfa and sem functions in the sem package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models
● Alias: CFA
● 0 images

Commander-es (Package: Rcmdr) : R Commander

Inicia la GUI (Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario) de R Commander
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: Commander-es
● 0 images

RcmdrPager (Package: Rcmdr) : Pager for Text Files

This is a slightly modified version of the tkpager, changed to use the Rcmdr monospaced font and a white background.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: RcmdrPager
● 0 images

Plugins (Package: Rcmdr) : R Commander Plug-in Packages

Plug-ins are R packages that extend the R Command interface.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: Plugins
● 0 images

Rcmdr-internal (Package: Rcmdr) :

For technical reasons involving Rcmdr plug-in packages, the Rcmdr package re-exports a number of functions from the tcltk package that are used by Rcmdr utilities.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: Rcmdr-internal, showData, tcl, tclRequire, tclServiceMode, tclVar, tclvalue<-, tk_select.list, tkbind, tkcget, tkcheckbutton, tkchooseDirectory, tkconfigure, tkcurselection, tkdelete, tkdestroy, tkentry, tkframe, tkgetOpenFile, tkgetSaveFile, tkgrab.release, tkgrab.set, tkgrid, tkgrid.columnconfigure, tkgrid.configure, tkgrid.rowconfigure, tkicursor, tkindex, tkinsert, tkinvoke, tkitemconfigure, tklabel, tklistbox, tkmark.set, tkmessageBox, tkpack, tkradiobutton, tkraise, tkscale, tkscrollbar, tkselection.clear, tkselection.present, tkselection.set, tkset, tktag.configure, tktext, tktoplevel, tkwait.window, tkwm.deiconify, tkwm.geometry, tkwm.iconbitmap, tkwm.protocol, tkwm.resizable, tkwm.title, tkwm.transient, tkxview, tkxview.moveto, tkyview, tkyview.scroll, ttkcheckbutton, ttklabelframe
● 0 images

RecodeDialog (Package: Rcmdr) : Rcmdr Recode Dialog

The recode dialog is normally used to recode numeric variables and factors into factors, for example by combining values of numeric variables or levels of factors. It may also be used to produce new numeric variables. The Rcmdr recode dialog is based on the Recode function in the car package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: manip
● Alias: RecodeDialog
● 0 images

hierarchicalCluster (Package: Rcmdr) : Rcmdr Hierarchical Clustering Dialog

This dialog is used to specify a hierarchical cluster analysis solution using hclust, with the distance matrix calculated using dist.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: hierarchicalCluster
● 0 images

editDataset (Package: Rcmdr) :

Allows the user to enter a new dataset, modify data values in an existing dataset, add rows or columns to the dataset, or delete rows or columns.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: manip
● Alias: editDataset
● 0 images

Rcmdr.Utilities (Package: Rcmdr) : Rcmdr Utility Functions

These functions support writing additions to the Rcmdr package, preferably by writing an Rcmdr plug-in package. Although it is not recommended, additional R code can also be placed in files with file type .R in the etc subdirectory of the Rcmdr package. In this case, you can add menus, submenus, and menu items by editing the file Rcmdr-menus.txt in the same directory.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: CommanderWindow, Factors, GrabFocus, Library, LogWindow, MacOSXP, MarkdownP, Message, MessagesWindow, Numeric, OKCancelHelp, OutputWindow, R Commander Utilities, RExcelSupported, RappP, Rcmdr Utilities, Rcmdr.Utilities, RcmdrEditor, RcmdrTclSet, RcmdrTkmessageBox, RmdWindow, RnwWindow, TwoLevelFactors, UpdateModelNumber, Variables, WindowsP, X11P, activateMenus, activeDataSet, activeDataSetP, activeModel, activeModelP, aicP, beginRmdBlock, beginRnwBlock, checkActiveDataSet, checkActiveModel, checkBoxes, checkClass, checkFactors, checkMethod, checkNumeric, checkReplace, checkTwoLevelFactors, checkVariables, closeCommander, closeDialog, commanderPosition, dataSetsP, defmacro, dialogSuffix, doItAndPrint, endRmdBlock, endRnwBlock, enterKnitr, enterMarkdown, errorCondition, exists.method, factorsP, flushDialogMemory, formulaFields, gassign, getDialog, getFrame, getFrame.combobox, getFrame.listbox, getRcmdr, getSelection, getSelection.combobox, getSelection.listbox, gettextRcmdr, glmP, groupsBox, groupsLabel, hclustSolutionsP, initializeDialog, is.SciViews,, justDoIt, knitrP, listAOVModels, listAllModels, listDataSets, listFactors, listGeneralizedLinearModels, listLinearModels, listMultinomialLogitModels, listNumeric, listPlugins, listProportionalOddsModels, listTwoLevelFactors, listVariables, lmP, logger, manualTranslationP, mavericksP, modelFormula, modelsP, multinomP, numericP, packageAvailable, polrP, popCommand, popOutput, putDialog, putRcmdr, radioButtons, removeLastRmdBlock, removeLastRnwBlock, removeNullRmdBlocks, removeNullRnwBlocks, removeStrayRmdBlocks, removeStrayRnwBlocks, rglLoaded, setBusyCursor, setIdleCursor, sortVarNames, subOKCancelHelp, subsetBox, suppressMarkdown, tclvalue, titleLabel, tkspinbox, trim.blanks, twoLevelFactorsP, varPosn, variableComboBox, variableListBox
● 0 images