Last data update: 2014.03.03

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Interaction2wtRcmdr (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr menu interface to interaction2wt

Plot all main effects and twoway interactions in a multifactor design. The main diagonal displays boxplots for the main effects of each factor. The off-diagonals show the interaction plots for each pair of factors. The i,j panel shows the same factors as the j,i but with the trace- and x-factor roles interchanged.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: Interaction2wtRcmdr
● 0 images

scatterPlotMatrix.HH (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Scatterplot Matrices

This is variation of the Rcmdr interface to the car package scatterplot.matrix. The revision uses row1attop=FALSE to force the main diagonal of the scatterplot matrix to go uphill from southwest to northeast.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: scatterPlotMatrix.HH
● 0 images

RcmdrPlugin.HH-package (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) :

Our introductory course spends time on several topics that are not yet in the R Commander. Therefore we wrote the menu items and make them available.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: Rcmdr.HH, Rcmdr.HH-package, RcmdrPlugin.HH, RcmdrPlugin.HH-package
● 0 images

confidenceIntervalsPlot (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr interface to plot confidence and prediction intervals in

Rcmdr menu interface to the function ci.plot. Variable boxes are provided for one predictor variable, one response variable. The simple linear regression is calculated and made the active model.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: confidenceIntervalsPlot
● 0 images

DotplottbRcmdr (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr menu interface to dotplot(panel=panel.dotplot.tb).

Rcmdr menu interface to dotplot(panel=panel.dotplot.tb).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: DotplottbRcmdr
● 0 images

Scatter3DDialog.HH (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr 3D Scatterplot Dialog (HH)

This dialog sets up a call to the scatter3dHH function to draw a three-dimensional scatterplot, and optionally to Identify3d to label points interactively with the mouse.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: Scatter3D, Scatter3DDialog.HH
● 0 images

Xyplot.HH (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr Menu function to specify xyolot, other lattice plots, and likert plots.

These are enhancements of the Rcmdr Xyplot function (which I wrote) to include layout parameters and plot type, to force solid dots, and to distinguish between conditioning variables in the formula and group variables. Xyplot.HH is an interface to the xyplot function. Xyplot.HH2 is an interface to many of the lattice functions (xyplot, bwplot, splom, barchart, dotplot) and to the formula method for likert in the HH package. When either barchart or panel.barchart is selected, then the argument origin=0 is automatically set. When panel.barchart, the user must manually specify the limits (xlim or ylim) to include zero for the effect of origin=0 to be visible.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: Xyplot.HH, Xyplot.HH2
● 0 images

MMCmenu (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Menu interface to MMC plots.

Menu interface to MMC (Mean–mean Multiple Comparison) plots.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: AOVModelsP, MMC2menu, MMCmenu
● 0 images

bestSubsetsRegressionModel.HH (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr interface to the regsubsets function in the leaps package.

Menu interface to the Best Subsets Regression function. Selection boxes allow one response variables and one or more predictor variables. All subsets are calculated. Only the best $k$, where $k$ is menu item, are displayed. A graph displaying one of the following statistics ($R^2$, residual sum of squares, adjusted $R^2$, $C_p$, BIC, $s$) is displayed. The model with highest adjusted $R^2$ is made the active model and its summary is displayed.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, regression
● Alias: bestSubsetsRegressionModel.HH
● 0 images

ResizeEtcDialog (Package: RcmdrPlugin.HH) : Rcmdr Menu function to specify combining and resizing "trellis" objects.

Please see ResizeEtc for details on the combination of "trellis" and related functions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot
● Alias: ResizeEtcDialog, listAllTrellisObjects
● 0 images