Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 31 found.
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labkey.insertRows (Package: Rlabkey) : Insert new rows of data into a LabKey Server

Insert new rows of data into the database.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: IO
● Alias: labkey.insertRows
● 0 images

getSession (Package: Rlabkey) : Creates and returns a LabKey Server session

The session object holds server address and folder context for a user working with LabKey Server. The session-based model supports more efficient interactive use of LabKey Server from R.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: file
● Alias: getSession
● 0 images

lsProjects (Package: Rlabkey) : List the projects available at a given LabKey Server address

Lists the projects available. Takes a string URL instead of a session, as it is intended for use before creating a session.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: file
● Alias: lsProjects
● 0 images

labkey.makeRemotePath (Package: Rlabkey) : Build a file path to data on a remote machine

Replaces a local root with a remote root given a full path
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: file
● Alias: labkey.makeRemotePath
● 0 images

lsSchemas (Package: Rlabkey) : List the available schemas

Lists the available schemas given the current folder path for a LabKey session
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: file
● Alias: lsSchemas
● 0 images

labkey.setCurlOptions (Package: Rlabkey) : Modify the current set of Curl options that are being used in the existing session

Rlabkey uses the package RCurl to connect to the LabKey Server.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: labkey.setCurlOptions
● 0 images

labkey.getLookupDetails (Package: Rlabkey) : Retrieve detailed information on a LabKey query

Fetch a list of output columns and their attributes from the query referenced by a lookup field
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: IO
● Alias: labkey.getLookupDetails
● 0 images

labkey.updateRows (Package: Rlabkey) : Update existing rows of data in a labkey database

Send data from an R session to update existing rows of data in the database.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: IO
● Alias: labkey.updateRows
● 0 images

labkey.selectRows (Package: Rlabkey) : Retrieve data from a labkey database

Import full datasets or selected rows into R. The data can be sorted and filtered prior to import.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: IO
● Alias: labkey.selectRows
● 0 images

Rlabkey-package (Package: Rlabkey) :

This package allows the transfer of data between a LabKey Server and an R session. Data can be retrieved from LabKey into a data frame in R by specifying the query schema information (labkey.selectRows and getRows) or by using sql commands (labkey.executeSql). From an R session, existing data can be updated (labkey.updateRows), new data can be inserted (labkey.insertRows and labkey.importRows) or data can be deleted from the LabKey database (labkey.deleteRows). Interactive R users can discover available data via schema objects (labkey.getSchema).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: Rlabkey, Rlabkey-package
● 0 images