Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 67 found.
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ms.polygram (Package: TeachingDemos) : Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to

These functions/data matricies are examples of what can be passed as the symb argument in the my.symbols function. They are provided both to be used for some common symbols and as examples of what can be passed as the symb argument.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: aplot, dplot
● Alias: ms.arrows, ms.face, ms.female, ms.filled.polygon, ms.image, ms.male, ms.polygon, ms.polygram, ms.sunflowers
● 0 images

cal (Package: TeachingDemos) :

Plot a calendar of the specified year or month. Monthly calendars can have additional information (text/plots) added to the individual cells.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: chron, hplot, ts
● Alias: cal
● 0 images

dice (Package: TeachingDemos) : Simulate rolling dice

Simulate and optionally plot rolls of dice.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, distribution, hplot
● Alias: dice, panel.dice, plot.dice, prepanel.dice
● 0 images

TeachingDemos-package (Package: TeachingDemos) :

This package provides various demonstrations that can be used in classes or by individuals to better learn statistical concepts and usage of R. Various utility functions are also included
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: aplot, dynamic, iplot, package
● Alias: TeachingDemos, TeachingDemos-package
● 0 images

TkApprox (Package: TeachingDemos) : Plot a set of data in a Tk window and interactively move lines to

This function plots a dataset in a Tk window then places 3 lines on the plot which show a predicted y value for the given x value. The lines can be clicked on and dragged to new x-values with the predicted y-values automatically updating. A table at the bottom of the graph shows the differences between the pairs of x-values and y-values.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dplot, dynamic
● Alias: TkApprox
● 0 images

my.symbols (Package: TeachingDemos) : Draw Symbols (User Defined) on a Plot

This function draws symbols on a plot. It is similar to the builtin symbols function with the difference that it plots symbols defined by the user rather than a prespecified set of symbols.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: aplot, dplot, hplot
● Alias: my.symbols
● 0 images

zoomplot (Package: TeachingDemos) : Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window

This function allows you to change the x and y ranges of the plot that is currently in the plot window. This has the effect of zooming into a section of the plot, or zooming out (unzooming) to show a larger region than is currently shown.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dplot, iplot
● Alias: oldzoomplot, zoomplot
● 0 images

TkBuildDist (Package: TeachingDemos) :

Build a probability distribution (one option for creating a prior distribution) by clicking or dragging a plot.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic, iplot
● Alias: TkBuildDist, TkBuildDist2
● 0 images

rgl.coin (Package: TeachingDemos) : Animated die roll or coin flip

Open an rgl window, plot either a representation of a coin or a die then animate the flipping/rolling.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: datagen, distribution, dynamic
● Alias: flip.rgl.coin, rgl.coin, rgl.die, roll.rgl.die
● 0 images

TkPredict (Package: TeachingDemos) : Plot predicted values from a model against one of the predictors

These functions create a plot of predicted values vs. one of the predictors for given values of the other predictors. TkPredict further creates a Tk gui to allow you to change the values of the other predictors.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: dynamic, iplot, regression
● Alias: Predict.Plot, TkPredict
● 0 images