Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 14 found.
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lines.thres2 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

The function includes vertical lines for the threshold and confidence interval in a plot created with plot.thres2().
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: plot, threshold
● Alias: lines.thres2
● 0 images

plot.thres3 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

The function provides a graphic including the three sample densities, the thresholds and their confidence intervals.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: plot, threshold
● Alias: plot.thres3
● 0 images

secondDer3 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

This function calculates the second partial derivatives of the cost function at a given pair of thresholds.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: derivative, threshold
● Alias: secondDer3
● 0 images

thres3 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

This function computes the threshold estimates and their corresponding confidence intervals in a three-state setting.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: bootstrap, threshold
● Alias: thres3
● 0 images

thresTH3 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

This function estimates the theoretical optimum thresholds for the specific distribution parameters, decision costs and prevalences in a three-state setting.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: threshold
● Alias: thresTH3
● 0 images

secondDer2 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

Calculates the second partial derivative of the cost function at a given threshold.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: derivative, threshold
● Alias: secondDer2
● 0 images

ThresholdROC (Package: ThresholdROC) :

The ThresholdROC package provides point and interval estimations of the optimum threshold as well as graphical tools for continuous diagnostic tests (two- and three- state settings). The point estimation is based on the definition of a cost function which we opt to minimise. An analytical estimator is available for the binormal and trinormal model and the empirical one is used for all settings. The interval estimation is based on the Delta method variance estimator in a binormal parametric setting and on methods on non-linear equations for the trinormal setting. Bootstrap methods are also provided for the confidence intervals.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: ThresholdROC
● 0 images

plotCostROC (Package: ThresholdROC) :

This function plots the ROC curve and the cost function associated to the disease prevalence and costs.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: ROC, threshold
● Alias: plotCostROC
● 0 images

lines.thres3 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

The function includes vertical lines for the thresholds and confidence intervals in a plot created with plot.thres3().
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: plot, threshold
● Alias: lines.thres3
● 0 images

thres2 (Package: ThresholdROC) :

This function computes the threshold estimate and its corresponding confidence interval in a two-state setting.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: bootstrap, threshold
● Alias: thres2
● 0 images