Last data update: 2014.03.03

Data Source

R Release (3.2.3)

Data Type

Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 24 found.
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check_ia (Package: VWPre) : Check the interest area IDs and labels

check_ia examines both the interest area IDs and interest area labels (and their mapping) for both eyes. It returns a summary of the information.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: check_ia
● 0 images

relabel_na (Package: VWPre) : Relabel samples containing 'NA' as outside any interest area

relabel_na examines interest area columns (LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL, and RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL) for cells containing NAs. If NA, the missing values in the ID columns are relabeled as 0 and missing values in the LABEL columns are relabeled as 'Outside'.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: relabel_na
● 0 images

ds_options (Package: VWPre) : Determine downsampling options based on current sampling rate

ds_options determines the possible rates to which the current sampling rate can downsampled. It then prints the options in both bin size (milliseconds) and corresponding sampling rate (Hertz).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: ds_options
● 0 images

check_samples_per_bin (Package: VWPre) : Check the number of samples in each bin

check_samples_per_bin determines the number of samples in each bin produced by bin_prop. This function may be helpful for determining the obligatory parameter 'ObsPerBin' which is input to transform_to_elogit.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: check_samples_per_bin
● 0 images

check_time_series (Package: VWPre) : Check the new time series

check_time_series examines the first value in the Time column for each event. If they are equal, it will return a single value. The returned value should be equal to 0 minus the offset.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: check_time_series
● 0 images

recode_ia (Package: VWPre) : Recode interest area IDs and/or interest area labels

recode_ia replaces existing interest area IDs and/or labels for both eyes. For subsequent data processing, it is important that the ID values range between 0 and 8 (with 0 representing Outside all predefined interest areas). LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL, and RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL) for cells containing NAs. If NA, the missing values in the ID columns are relabeled as 0 and missing values in the LABEL columns are relabeled as 'Outside'.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: recode_ia
● 0 images

VWPre (Package: VWPre) : VWPre: Tools for Preprocessing Visual World Data.

The VWPre package provides a set of functions for preparing Visual World data collected with SR Research Eyelink eye trackers.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: VWPre, VWPre-package
● 0 images

plot_indiv_app (Package: VWPre) : Plots diagnostic average plots of subjects/items.

plot_indiv_app calculates and plots interest area averages for a given subject/item.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot_indiv_app
● 0 images

prep_data (Package: VWPre) : Check the classes of specific columns and re-assigns as necessary.

prep_data converts the data frame to a data table and examines the class of the following columns: Subject, Item, LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_ID, LEFT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL, RIGHT_INTEREST_AREA_LABEL, TIMESTAMP, and TRIAL_INDEX. If they were not encoded with the correct class upon importing the data, the function will reassign the class and print a summary of the reassignments. Additionally, the data table output by the function contains a new column called Event which indexes each unique series of samples corresponding to the combination of Subject and TRIRAL_Index, necessary for performing subsequent operations.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: prep_data
● 0 images

plot_transformation_app (Package: VWPre) : Plots diagnostic plots of the empirical logit transformation.

plot_transformation_app plots the empirical logit values for a given number of observations and constant against proportions.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: plot_transformation_app
● 0 images