Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 30 found.
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crownhull (Package: YplantQMC) : Calculates and plots the convex hull around the plant crown

This function finds the convex hull (and its surface area and volume) spanning the leaves of the 3D plant, using all coordinates of the leaf edges. The result is smallest set of x, y, z points that defines the convex hull, that is, the polyhedral surface that contains all other points, and is convex.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: crownhull
● 0 images

Farquhar (Package: YplantQMC) : Farquhar-Ball-Berry coupled leaf gas exchange model

Coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model. A full implementation of the photosynthesis model by Farquhar et al. (1980), as described by Medlyn et al. (2002) (i.e., following their notation), coupled with a few choices of Ball-Berry type stomatal conductance models. The default is that of Medlyn et al. (2011).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: Farquhar
● 0 images

getangles (Package: YplantQMC) : Read angles from a .p file.

Reads leaf angles (angle, orientation or azimuth) from a plant file (a Yplant input file with extension .p, known as a pfile).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: getangles
● 0 images

setMet (Package: YplantQMC) : Generate a weather object

To run Yplant, a weather object needs to be constructed, that contains solar position data, radiation, air temperature, and so on. This function generates a daily diurnal weather dataset using a fairly standard weather generator, or constructs the weather object with user-specified data. See Details.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: setMet
● 0 images

setLocation (Package: YplantQMC) : Generate a location object

Construct an object that contains a geographical location given by the latitude, longitude, and (optionally), the longitude of the nearest timezone border. This object is required in setMet.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: setLocation
● 0 images

replaceangles (Package: YplantQMC) : Modify Yplant input files.

Reads a plant file (a Yplant input file with extension .p, known as a pfile), and writes a new pfile, by modifying angles, internode lengths, or segment diameters.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: changeinternodes, modifypfile, replaceangles
● 0 images

randomplant (Package: YplantQMC) : Generate a plant with randomly distributed leaves

Generates a plant crown with specified total leaf area or number of leaves, in one of six crown shapes. These include cone, paraboloid, cylinder, and others. Leaves are randomly distributed in the crown shapes.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: randomplant
● 0 images

plot.leaffile (Package: YplantQMC) : Plots a Yplant leaf file (a file with extension code{.l

Produces a plot of a Yplant leaf file, read in using readl.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: plot.leaffile, plot3d.leaffile
● 0 images

runYplant (Package: YplantQMC) : A single simulation of YplantQMC

Runs the YplantQMC model for one timestep. Runs the QuasiMC raytracer to estimate absorbed PAR for every leaf on the plant, given diffuse and direct radiation (set by fbeam, see below), the position of the sun, and reflectance and transmittance of the foliage material.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: runYplant, runYplant.plant3d, runYplant.stand3d
● 0 images

includePhy (Package: YplantQMC) : Make a leaf physiology object

Constructs an object of class 'ypphy', which contains a function that calculates leaf photosynthesis and transpiration (and possibly other variables), from weather data (air temperature, humidity, etc.), and absorbed PAR.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: includePhy, includePhy.plant3d, includePhy.plant3dlist, setPhy
● 0 images