Last data update: 2014.03.03

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Results 1 - 10 of 35 found.
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X.snp-class (Package: chopsticks) : Class "X.snp"

Compact representation of data concerning single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the X chromosome
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: X.snp-class, coerce,X.snp,character-method, coerce,X.snp,genotype-method, coerce,X.snp,numeric-method, show,X.snp-method
● 0 images

X.snp.matrix-class (Package: chopsticks) : Class "X.snp.matrix"

This class extends the snp.matrix-class to deal with SNPs on the X chromosome.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: X.snp.matrix-class, [,X.snp.matrix-method, [<-,X.snp.matrix,ANY,ANY,X.snp.matrix-method, coerce,X.snp.matrix,character-method, coerce,snp.matrix,X.snp.matrix-method, initialize,X.snp.matrix-method, show,X.snp.matrix-method, summary,X.snp.matrix-method
● 0 images

epsout.ld.snp (Package: chopsticks) : Function to write an eps file directly to visualize LD

epsout.ld.snp takes an object of snp.matrix class and a given snp range and depth, draw a eps file to visualize the LD in the same color scheme as haploview's default view. It was the first prototype of this bunch of software. Also, it does not keep any pair-wise data in memory at all, and maybe more suitable where the actual pair-wise LD data is not needed.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: dplot, hplot, htest, models
● Alias: epsout.ld.snp
● 0 images

glm.test.control (Package: chopsticks) : Set up control object for GLM tests

To carry out a score test for a GLM, we first fit a "base" model using the standard iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm and then carry out a score test for addition of further terms. This function sets various control parameters for this.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: glm.test.control
● 0 images

ibs.stats (Package: chopsticks) : function to calculate the identity-by-state stats of a group

Given a snp.matrix-class or a X.snp.matrix-class object with $N$ samples, calculates some statistics about the relatedness of every pair of samples within.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: utilities
● Alias: ibs.stats
● 0 images

ibsCount (Package: chopsticks) : Count alleles identical by state

This function counts, for all pairs of subjects and across all SNPs, the total number of alleles which are identical by state (IBS)
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: ibsCount
● 0 images

ibsDist (Package: chopsticks) : Distance matrix based on identity by state (IBS)

Expresses a matrix of IBS counts (see ibsCount) as a distance matrix. The distance between two samples is returned as the proportion of allele comparisons which are not IBS.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: ibsDist
● 0 images

ld.snp (Package: chopsticks) : Function to calculate pairwise D', $r^2$

ld.snp takes an object of snp.matrix class and suitable range and depth and calculation the pairwise D', $r^2$, LOD and return the result as a snp.dprime object.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: dplot, htest, models
● Alias: ld.snp
● 0 images

ld.with (Package: chopsticks) : function to calculate the LD measures of specific SNPs against

This function calculates the LD measures ($r^2$, D', LOD) of specific SNPs against other SNPs.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: dplot, manip, models
● Alias: ld.with, ld.with,snp.matrix,character-method
● 0 images

pair.result.ld.snp (Package: chopsticks) : Function to calculate the pairwise D', $r^2$, LOD of

pair.result.ld.snp.Rd calculates the pairwise D', $r^2$, LOD of a pair of specified SNPs in a snp.matrix object. This is used mainly for debugging.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: dplot, htest, models
● Alias: pair.result.ld.snp
● 0 images