Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 8 of 8 found.
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orderPoints (Package: contoureR) : Order Points Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise

Returns the indexes of supplied points, x and y, ordered either clockwise or anticlockwise about another point, which by default is taken to be the non-weighted midpoint of the supplied data
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: orderPoints
● 0 images

getConvexHull (Package: contoureR) : Get Convex Hull of Points

Returns the sequence of indexes within the supplied numeric vectors x and y, that describe the convex hull containing those points. This is a (slightly modified) implementation of the Andrews Monotone Chain, which is a well known algorithm that is able to solve the convex hull with O(nlogn) complexity. Typical computation time on a Macbook Air, 1.7Ghz I7, 8Gb Ram, using random points in the range [0,1]:
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getConvexHull
● 0 images

contourWalker (Package: contoureR) : Contour Walker Function, Rcpp Interface to C++ Routine

This function is the R interface to the C++ core contour-walker function, totally essential for this package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: contourWalker
● 0 images

getDelaunayMesh (Package: contoureR) : Get Delaunay Mesh

Retrieves the Delaunay Mesh for a series of x and y points in 2D. With the exception of a few brief checks, is almost a direct wrapper to the delaunayn function as part of the geometry package.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getDelaunayMesh
● 0 images

contourLinesR (Package: contoureR) : Get Contour Lines (list)

A wrapper to the getContourLines function, provided to ease the transition from the contourLines function as part of grDevices
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: contourLinesR
● 0 images

convexHullAM (Package: contoureR) : Convex Hull via Andrews Monotone, Rcpp Interface to C++ Routine

This function is the R interface to the C++ implementation of Andrews Monotone, a well known algorithm for solving the convex hull in O(nlogn) time complexity.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: convexHullAM, convexHullAM_Indexes, convexHullAM_Points
● 0 images

contoureR (Package: contoureR) : contoureR: Contouring of Non-Regular Three-Dimensional Data

Create contour lines for a non regular series of points, potentially from a non-regular canvas.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: contoureR
● 0 images

getContourLines (Package: contoureR) : Get Contour Lines (data.frame)

The following routine produces contour lines for a set of non-regular x,y and z values. via utilizing a Deleaunay Mesh strung between the supplied x,y coordinates in order to produce iso-contour data representing the third variable, z. To this end, by using a Deleaunay mesh, this routine does not require regular x and y data, although it can be expected to yield 'better' result, with regular / fine-grained data.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: getContourLines
● 0 images