Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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DEXUSResult-class (Package: dexus) : Class code{"DEXUSResult"

This class contains the result of an RNA-Seq data analysis. The class contains the transcript names together with the parameters per condition, i.e., overdispersion and mean. Further it contains informative/non-informative values or p-values.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: DEXUSResult-class, INI,DEXUSResult-method, INICalls,DEXUSResult-method, INIThreshold,DEXUSResult-method, INIThreshold<-,DEXUSResult-method, INIValues,DEXUSResult-method, [,DEXUSResult,character-method, [,DEXUSResult,logical-method, [,DEXUSResult,numeric-method,,DEXUSResult-method, conditionSizes,DEXUSResult-method, dispersions,DEXUSResult-method, inputData,DEXUSResult-method, logFC,DEXUSResult-method, means,DEXUSResult-method, normalizedData,DEXUSResult-method, params,DEXUSResult-method, plot,DEXUSResult,missing-method, posteriorProbs,DEXUSResult-method, pvals,DEXUSResult-method, responsibilities,DEXUSResult-method, sampleNames,DEXUSResult-method, show,DEXUSResult-method, sizeFactors,DEXUSResult-method, sizeParameters,DEXUSResult-method, sort,DEXUSResult-method, transcriptNames,DEXUSResult-method
● 0 images

`[` (Package: dexus) : Subsetting a "DEXUSResult".

Information about specific transcripts can be accessed in the "DEXUSResult" object by using the standard brackets "[idx]" for subsetting. Either transcript names or transcript indices can be used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: `[`, `[`,DEXUSResult,character-method, `[`,DEXUSResult,logical-method, `[`,DEXUSResult,numeric-method
● 0 images

INI (Package: dexus) : I/NI filtering of a DEXUS result.

This function filters the result object for informative transcripts. Transcripts with an I/NI value below the given threshold are filtered out.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: INI
● 0 images

INIThreshold<- (Package: dexus) : Set the I/NI threshold.

This generic function sets the threshold of the I/NI value. Transcripts with I/NI values above the I/NI threshold are considered as differentially expressed. The results of DEXUS are stored as an instance of DEXUSResult-class.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: INIThreshold-set, INIThreshold<-
● 0 images

accessors (Package: dexus) : Accessors for a "DEXUSResult".

These generic functions return the slots of an RNA-Seq analysis performed by DEXUS. The results of DEXUS are stored as an instance of DEXUSResult-class.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: INICalls, INIThreshold, INIValues, accessors, conditionSizes, dispersions, inputData, logFC, means, normalizedData, params, posteriorProbs, pvals, responsibilities, sampleNames, sizeFactors, sizeParameters, transcriptNames
● 0 images

dexss (Package: dexus) : Detection of Differential Expression in a semi-supervised Setting

Performs the DEXSS algorithm for detection of differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq data for a semi-supervised setting, i.e. that the condition of some samples is known, and for some samples the condition is unkown.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: DEXSS,, dexss
● 0 images

dexus (Package: dexus) : Detection of Differential Expression in an Unsupervised Setting

Performs the DEXUS algorithm for detection of differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq data for a) unknown conditions, b) multiple known conditions, and c) two known conditions.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: DEXUS,, dexus
● 0 images

dexus.parallel (Package: dexus) : A parallel version of DEXUS.

Speeds up DEXUS by using multiple processors. Uses the parallel package to parallelize a DEXUS call.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: dexus.parallel
● 0 images

getSizeNB (Package: dexus) : Maximum-likelihood and maximum-a-posteriori estimators

Estimates the size parameter of a a negative binomial distribution from given data.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: getSizeNB
● 0 images

normalizeData (Package: dexus) : Normalization of RNA-Seq count data.

Normalizes RNA-seq count data using previously published approaches. Each samples' read counts are corrected by a normalizing factor. The options are "RLE" by (Anders and Huber, 2010), and "upperquartile" by (Bullard et al., 2010).
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: normalizeData
● 0 images