Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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summary.eff (Package: effects) : Summarizing, Printing, and Plotting Effects

summary, print, plot, and [ methods for eff, effpoly, efflist, and mlm.efflist objects.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, models
● Alias: [.efflist, plot.eff, plot.efflist, plot.effpoly, plot.mlm.efflist, print.eff, print.efflatent, print.efflist, print.effpoly, print.mlm.efflist, print.summary.eff, restoreStrip, setStrip, summary.eff, summary.efflatent, summary.efflist, summary.effpoly, summary.mlm.efflist
● 0 images

effects-deprecated (Package: effects) : Deprecated Function in effects Package

The all.effects function is provided only for compatibility with older versions of the effects package and may be removed; use allEffects instead.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords:
● Alias: all.effects, effects-deprecated
● 0 images

effects-package (Package: effects) :

Graphical and tabular effect displays, e.g., of interactions, for linear (including fit via gls), multivariate-linear, generalized linear, multinomial-logit, proportional-odds logit, mixed-effect, polytomous latent-class, and some other models; (multidimensional) component+residual plots for linear and generalized linear models.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: package
● Alias: effects, effects-package
● 0 images

effect (Package: effects) : Functions For Constructing Effect Plots

effect and Effect construct an "eff" object for a term (usually a high-order term) in a linear (fit by lm or gls) or generalized linear model (fit by glm), or an "effpoly" object for a term in a multinomial or proportional-odds logit model (fit respectively by multinom or polr), absorbing the lower-order terms marginal to the term in question, and averaging over other terms in the model. For multivariate linear models (mlm), the function constructs a list of "eff" objects separately for the various response variables.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: hplot, models
● Alias: Effect.clm, Effect.clm2, Effect.clmm, Effect.default, Effect.gls, Effect.lm, Effect.lme, Effect.mer, Effect.merMod, Effect.mlm, Effect.multinom, Effect.poLCA, Effect.polr, allEffects,,,, effect, vcov.eff
● 0 images