Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


Results 1 - 10 of 27 found.
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Map,flowClust-method (Package: flowClust) : Cluster Assignment Based on Clustering Results

This method performs cluster assignment according to the posterior probabilities of clustering memberships resulted from the clustering (filtering) operations. Outliers identified will be left unassigned by default.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: cluster
● Alias: Map, Map,flowClust-method, Map,flowClustList-method, Map.flowClust
● 0 images

SimulateMixture (Package: flowClust) : Random Generation from a t Mixture Model with Box-Cox Transformation

This function can be used to generate a sample from a multivariate t mixture model with Box-Cox transformation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: datagen
● Alias: SimulateMixture
● 0 images

Subset,flowClust-method (Package: flowClust) : Subsetting Data Based on Clustering Results

This method returns a subset of data upon the removal of outliers identified from the clustering (filtering) operations.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: manip
● Alias: Subset, Subset,ANY,flowClustList-method, Subset,data.frame,flowClust-method, Subset,flowClust-method, Subset,flowFrame,flowClust-method, Subset,flowFrame,tmixFilterResult-method, Subset,flowFrame,tmixFilterResultList-method, Subset,matrix,flowClust-method, Subset,vector,flowClust-method, Subset.flowClust, Subset.flowFrame, Subset.flowFrame.tmixFilterResult, Subset.tmixFilterResult
● 0 images

box (Package: flowClust) : Box-Cox Transformation

This function performs Box-Cox transformation on the inputted data matrix.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: math
● Alias: box
● 0 images

density,flowClust-method (Package: flowClust) : Grid of Density Values for the Fitted t Mixture Model with Box-Cox Transformation

This method constructs the flowDens object which is used to generate a contour or image plot.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: graphs
● Alias: density,flowClust-method, density,flowClustList-method, density-method, density.flowClust, flowDens-class
● 0 images

dmvt (Package: flowClust) : Density of the Multivariate t Distribution with Box-Cox Tranformation

This function computes the densities at the inputted points of the multivariate t distribution with Box-Cox transformation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: dmvt
● 0 images

dmvtmix (Package: flowClust) : Density of the Multivariate t Mixture Distribution with Box-Cox Tranformation

This function computes the densities at the inputted points of the multivariate t mixture distribution with Box-Cox transformation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: distribution
● Alias: dmvtmix
● 0 images

flowClust-internal (Package: flowClust) : Internal flowClust functions

Internal functions not intended to be called directly by users.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: .ellipsePoints, coerce,flowClust,filterResult-method, coerce,flowClust,logical-method, coerce,flowClust,tmixFilterResult-method, coerce,flowClustList,filterResult-method, coerce,flowClustList,flowClust-method, coerce,flowClustList,logical-method, coerce,flowClustList,tmixFilterResult-method, coerce,tmixFilterResult,logical-method, coerce,tmixFilterResultList,logical-method, coerce,tmixFilterResultList,tmixFilterResult-method, length,tmixFilterResultList-method
● 0 images

flowClust-package (Package: flowClust) :

Robust model-based clustering using a t mixture model with Box-Cox transformation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: package
● Alias: flowClust-package
● 0 images

flowClust (Package: flowClust) : Robust Model-based Clustering for Flow Cytometry

This function performs automated clustering for identifying cell populations in flow cytometry data. The approach is based on the t mixture model with the Box-Cox transformation, which provides a unified framework to handle outlier identification and data transformation simultaneously.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: cluster, models
● Alias: [,flowFrame,flowClust,ANY,ANY-method, [,flowFrame,flowClust-method, [,flowFrame,flowClustList,ANY,ANY-method, [,flowFrame,flowClustList-method, %in%,ANY,flowClust-method, %in%,ANY,flowClustList-method, flowClust, flowClust-class, flowClustList, flowClustList-class
7 images