Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 10 of 115 found.
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ellipsoidGate-class (Package: flowCore) : Class "ellipsoidGate"

Class and constructor for n-dimensional ellipsoidal filter objects.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: ellipsoidGate, ellipsoidGate-class, show,ellipsoidGate-method
● 0 images

estimateMedianLogicle (Package: flowCore) : Estimates a common logicle transformation for a flowSet.

Of the negative values for each channel specified, the median of the specified quantiles are used.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: estimateMedianLogicle
● 0 images

exponential-class (Package: flowCore) : Class "exponential"

Exponential transform class defines a transformation given by the function
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: eval,exponential,missing-method, exponential, exponential-class
● 0 images

expressionFilter-class (Package: flowCore) : Class "expressionFilter"

A filter holding an expression that can be evaluated to a logical vector or a vector of factors.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes, methods
● Alias: char2ExpressionFilter, expressionFilter, expressionFilter-class, show,expressionFilter-method
● 0 images

fcReference-class (Package: flowCore) : Class "fcReference" and its subclasses

Classes and methods to provide reference-based semantics for flow cytometry workflows.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: Rm, Rm,fcNullReference,missing,character-method, Rm,fcReference,missing,character-method, Rm,fcReference,workFlow,character-method, assign, fcActionReference, fcActionReference-class, fcAliasReference, fcAliasReference-class, fcCompensateReference, fcCompensateReference-class, fcDataReference, fcDataReference-class, fcFilterReference, fcFilterReference-class, fcFilterResultReference, fcFilterResultReference-class, fcNormalizationReference, fcNormalizationReference-class, fcNullReference, fcNullReference-class, fcReference, fcReference-class, fcStructureReference-class, fcSubsettingReference, fcSubsettingReference-class, fcTransformReference, fcTransformReference-class, fcTreeReference, fcTreeReference-class, fcViewReference, fcViewReference-class, get,fcNullReference,missing,missing-method, get,fcReference,missing,missing-method, identifier,fcReference-method, isNull, isNull,fcReference-method, show,fcNullReference-method, show,fcReference-method
● 0 images

filter-and-methods (Package: flowCore) : Take the intersection of two filters

There are two notions of intersection in flowCore. First, there is the usual intersection boolean operator & that has been overridden to allow the intersection of two filters or of a filter and a list for convenience. There is also the %&% or %subset% operator that takes an intersection, but with subset semantics rather than simple intersection semantics. In other words, when taking a subset, calculations from summary and other methods are taken with respect to the right hand filter. This primarily affects calculations, which are ordinarily calculated with respect to the entire population as well as data-driven gating procedures which will operate only on elements contained by the right hand filter. This becomes especially important when using filters such as norm2Filter
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: &,filter,filter-method, &,filter,list-method, &,list,filter-method, %&%, %&%,ANY-method, %&%,filter,filter-method, %&%-methods, %subset%, %subset%,ANY-method, %subset%,filter,filter-method, %subset%,list,filter-method, coerce,intersectFilter,call-method, intersectFilter-method, subsetFilter-method
● 0 images

filter-class (Package: flowCore) : A class for representing filtering operations to be applied to flow data.

The filter class is the virtual base class for all filter/gating objects in flowCore. In general you will want to subclass or create a more specific filter.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: !,filter-method, booleanGate,filter-class, decisionTreeGate,filter-class, ellipsoidGate,filter-class, filter,filter-method, filter-class, filtergate,filter-class, norm2Filter,filter-class, polygonGate,filter-class, rectangleGate,filter-class, |,filter,filter-method, |,filter,list-method, |,list,filter-method
● 0 images

filter-in-methods (Package: flowCore) : Filter-specific membership methods

Membership methods must be defined for every object of type filter with respect to a flowFrame object. The operation is considered to be general and may return a logical, numeric or factor vector that will be handled appropriately. The ability to handle logical matrices as well as vectors is also planned but not yet implemented.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: %in%, %in%,ANY,filterReference-method, %in%,ANY,filterResult-method, %in%,ANY,manyFilterResult-method, %in%,ANY,multipleFilterResult-method, %in%,flowFrame,boundaryFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,complementFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,ellipsoidGate-method, %in%,flowFrame,expressionFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,filterResult-method, %in%,flowFrame,intersectFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,kmeansFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,norm2Filter-method, %in%,flowFrame,polygonGate-method, %in%,flowFrame,polytopeGate-method, %in%,flowFrame,quadGate-method, %in%,flowFrame,rectangleGate-method, %in%,flowFrame,sampleFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,subsetFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,timeFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,transformFilter-method, %in%,flowFrame,unionFilter-method, %in%-methods
● 0 images

filter (Package: flowCore) : Filter FCS files

These methods link filter descriptions to a particular set of flow cytometry data allowing for the lightweight calculation of summary statistics common to flow cytometry analysis.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: call,filter-method, character,filter-method, filter, filter,flowFrame,filter-method, filter,flowFrame,filterSet-method, filter,flowFrame,norm2Filter, filter,flowFrame,polygonGate, filter,flowFrame,rectangleGate, filter,flowFrame-method, filter,flowSet,filter-method, filter,flowSet,filterList-method, filter,flowSet,filterSet-method, filter,flowSet,list-method, formula,filter-method, identifier<-,filter,character-method, length,filter-method, name,filter-method, show,filter-method, summary,filter-method
● 0 images

%on% (Package: flowCore) : Methods for Function %on% in Package `flowCore'

This operator is used to construct a transformFilter that first applies a transformList to the data before applying the filter operation. You may also apply the operator to a flowFrame or flowSet to obtain transformed values specified in the list.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: %on%, %on%,ANY,flowSet-method, %on%,filter,parameterTransform-method, %on%,filter,transform-method, %on%,filter,transformList-method, %on%,parameterTransform,flowFrame-method, %on%,transform,flowFrame-method, %on%,transformList,flowFrame-method, %on%,transformList,flowSet-method, %on%-methods, filter-on-methods
● 0 images