Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Results 1 - 7 of 7 found.
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extractParams (Package: flowTrans) :

Extracts the transformation parameters from a flowTransResult object
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: manip
● Alias: extractParams
● 0 images

flowTrans-methods (Package: flowTrans) : S4 method for optimizing parameters of a flow transformation and

Transforms a flowFrame and optimizes the parameters for the selected transformation.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods, models, optimize
● Alias: flowTrans,flowFrame,character,character,logical,logical-method, flowTrans-methods
● 0 images

flowTrans-package (Package: flowTrans) :

Maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for common flow cytometry data transformations.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: models, optimize, package
● Alias: flowTrans-package
1 images

flowTrans (Package: flowTrans) :

This is the principal function in the package. The function takes data, a transformation function name, dimension names, and optional preselection parameter as input, and runs the maximum likelihood optimization on the data, performs the transformation, and returns the transformed data together with a list of transformation paramters for each dimension. The optimization is set to maximize the likelihood of the parameters given the data, such that the transformed data is normally distributed. An optional parameter n2f=[T,F] allows an automated preselection of an approximately bivariate normal population via the norm2Filter function. The transformation parameters are then optimized for this preselected region, and finally applied globally to the entire range of data. The optional argument parameters.only=[T,F] specifies whether to return the parameters or the transformed data.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: models, optimize
● Alias: flowTrans
1 images

flowTransResult-class (Package: flowTrans) : Class "flowTransResult"

Class that contains the results of a call to flowTrans on a flowFrame
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: classes
● Alias: flowTransResult, flowTransResult-class, summary,flowTransResult-class
● 0 images

summary-methods (Package: flowTrans) : Summarize a flowTransResult object

Print a summary of the contents of a flowTransResult object.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: methods
● Alias: summary, summary,flowTransResult-method, summary-methods
● 0 images

summary.flowTransResult (Package: flowTrans) :

Print a summary of the contents of a flowTransResult object, including the type of transformation, the transformed data frame, and the transformed dimensions and transformation parameters.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords: misc
● Alias: summary.flowTransResult
● 0 images