Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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OptionsManager (Package: futile.options) : Futile options management

Included as part of futile is an options subsystem that facilitates the management of options for a particular application. The options.manager function produces a scoped options set within the environment, to protect against collisions with other libraries or applications. The options subsystem also provides default settings that can be restored by calling reset.options.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: array
● Alias: OptionsManager, options.manager, reset.options, resetOptions, resetOptions.character, resetOptions.default, updateOptions, updateOptions.character, updateOptions.default
● 0 images

futile.options-package (Package: futile.options) :

The 'futile.options' subsystem provides an easy user-defined options management system that is properly scoped. This means that options created via 'futile.options' are fully self-contained and will not collide with options defined in other packages. This package is a self-contained package within the futile suite of libraries.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: attribute, logic, package
● Alias: futile.options, futile.options-package
● 0 images