Last data update: 2014.03.03

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gam.scope (Package: gam) :

Given a data.frame as an argument, generate a scope list for use in step.gam, each element of which gives the candidates for that term.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: gam.scope
● 0 images

step.gam (Package: gam) : Stepwise model builder for GAM

Builds a GAM model in a step-wise fashion. For each "term" there is an ordered list of alternatives, and the function traverses these in a greedy fashion. Note: this is NOT a method for step, which used to be a generic, so must be invoked with the full name.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: step.gam
● 0 images

gam.control (Package: gam) : Auxilliary for controlling GAM fitting

Auxiliary function as user interface for 'gam' fitting. Typically only used when calling 'gam' or ''.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: gam.control
● 0 images

lo (Package: gam) : Specify a loess fit in a GAM formula

A symbolic wrapper to indicate a smooth term in a formala argument to gam
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: gam.lo, lo
● 0 images

na.gam.replace (Package: gam) : Missing Data Filter for GAMs

A method for dealing with missing values, friendly to GAM models.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: na.gam.replace
● 0 images

gam.exact (Package: gam) : A method for gam producing asymptotically exact standard errors

This function is a "wrapper" for a gam object, and produces exact standard errors for each linear term in the gam call (except for the intercept).
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: gam.exact
● 0 images

anova.gam (Package: gam) : Analysis of Deviance for a Generalized Additive Model

Produces an ANODEV table for a set of GAM models, or else a summary for a single GAM model
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: anova.gam, summary.gam
● 0 images

gam-internal (Package: gam) : Service functions and as yet undocumented functions for the gam library

Internal gam functions
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: internal
● Alias: .First.lib, [.smooth, anova.gamlist, as.anova,, assign.list, gam.match, gam.nlchisq, gam.random, gam.slist, gam.sp, gam.wlist, gamlist, general.wam, gplot, gplot.default, gplot.factor, gplot.list, gplot.matrix, gplot.numeric, labels.gam, lo.wam, newdata.predict.gam, polylo, print.gam, print.gamex, print.summary.gam, random, s.wam, ylim.scale
● 0 images

plot.gam (Package: gam) : Plot Components of a GAM Object

A plot method for GAM objects, which can be used on GLM and LM objects as well. It focuses on terms (main-effects), and produces a suitable plot for terms of different types
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: plot.gam, plot.preplot.gam, preplot.gam
● 0 images

predict.gam (Package: gam) : Predict method for GAM fits

Obtains predictions and optionally estimates standard errors of those predictions from a fitted generalized additive model object.
● Data Source: CranContrib
● Keywords: models, nonparametric, regression, smooth
● Alias: predict.gam
● 0 images