Last data update: 2014.03.03

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R Release (3.2.3)

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Data set


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as.ggplot (Package: ggcyto) : It fortifies the data, fills some default settings and returns a regular ggplot object.

The orginal data format is preserved during the ggcyo constructor because they still need to be used during the plot building process. This function is usually called automatically in the print/plot method of ggycyto. Sometime it is useful to coerce it to ggplot explictily by user so that it can be used as a regular ggplot object.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: as.ggplot
● 0 images

autoplot.flowSet (Package: ggcyto) : Plot fluorescence intensity in one or two dimension.

Overloaded autoplot for the cytomertry data structure: flowFrame or flowSet, Gatinghierarchy, GatingSet. It plots the cytometry data with geom_histogram, geom_density or geom_hex.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: autoplot.GatingHierarchy, autoplot.GatingSet, autoplot.flowFrame, autoplot.flowSet
4 images

axis_x_inverse_trans (Package: ggcyto) : Display axis labels in raw scales

It is essentially a dummy continous scale and will be instantiated by '+.ggcyto_GatingSet' with 'breaks‘ and ’lables' customized.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: axis_x_inverse_trans, axis_y_inverse_trans
2 images

compute_stats (Package: ggcyto) : compute the statistics of the cell population defined by gates

It calls the underlining stats routine and merge it with the label position calculated by stat_position as well as the pData of flowSet.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: compute_stats
● 0 images

fortify.ellipsoidGate (Package: ggcyto) : Convert a ellipsoidGate to a data.table useful for ggplot

It interpolates the ellipsoidGate to polygongate before fortifying it.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify.ellipsoidGate
● 0 images

fortify.filterList (Package: ggcyto) : Convert a filterList to a data.table useful for ggplot

It tries to merge with pData that is associated with filterList as attribute 'pd'
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify.filterList
● 0 images

fortify.flowFrame (Package: ggcyto) : Convert a flowFrame/flowSet/GatingSet to a ggplot-compatible data.table

It extracts events matrices and appends the pData to it so that ggplot can use the pData for facetting.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify, fortify.GatingSet, fortify.flowFrame, fortify.flowSet
● 0 images

fortify.polygonGate (Package: ggcyto) : Convert a polygonGate to a data.table useful for ggplot

It converts the boundaries slot into a data.table When 'nPoints' is supplied, the method tries to interpolate the polygon with more verticies.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify.polygonGate
● 0 images

fortify.rectangleGate (Package: ggcyto) : Convert a rectangleGate to a data.table useful for ggplot

For 2d rectangelGate, it is converted to a polygonGate first and then dispatch to the fortify method for polygonGate. for 1d, uses geom_vline/hline format.
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify.rectangleGate
● 0 images

fortify_fs (Package: ggcyto) : Fortify a model into flowSet object

The method provides a universe interface to convert a generic R object into a flowSet useful for ggcyto
● Data Source: BioConductor
● Keywords:
● Alias: fortify_fs, fortify_fs.GatingSet, fortify_fs.default, fortify_fs.flowFrame, fortify_fs.flowSet
● 0 images